A red and white logo with the word 'Dota Coach' in a stylized font.
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Popularity: #34

Leaderboard: #101

Ban Rank: #83

KDA Rank: #76

Increases attack and speed with every spell

As deadly as she is fragile, Lina effortlessly strikes down any foe foolish enough to be caught alone. Gaining attack speed with each spell she casts, she scours enemies with flame and heat lightning, ensuring few can survive her assaults.

Win Rate 46.9%
Pick Rate 10.4%
lina Image

440 +52.8/lvl

360 +45.6/lvl

Strength Image

20 +2.4/lvl

Agility Image

23 +2.4/lvl

Intelligence Image

30 +3.8/lvl



21 - 29 + 2.4/level (90.6 - 98.6 at level 30)






0 + 0.4/level (11.6 at level 30)














damage icon

Thermal Runaway

Win Rate: 48.0%

Pick Rate: 40.4%

Casting Laguna Blade temporarily supercharges Lina, granting her stacks of Fiery Soul.

Laguna Blade

Casting Laguna Blade temporarily supercharges Lina, granting her stacks of Fiery Soul.





nuke icon

Slow Burn

Win Rate: 46.2%

Pick Rate: 59.6%

Lina's spells deal 125% total damage. 60% is dealt on impact and 65% is dealt as burn damage over %burn_duration%s.


Innate Ability Image

Fiery Soul

Grants bonus attack and movement speed each time Lina hits an enemy with a spell. Stacks with itself. Lasts 18 seconds.

ATTACK SPEED BONUS: 4/8/16/24/32

MOVE SPEED BONUS: 1%/1.5%/2%/2.5%/3%




Dragon Slave

Lina channels the breath of a dragon, sending out a wave of fire that scorches every enemy in its path.

  • AFFECTS:unit


  • dragon slave damage:85 / 165 / 245 / 325

  • dragon slave speed:1200

  • dragon slave width initial:275

  • dragon slave width end:200

  • dragon slave distance:1075

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

-3.5s Dragon Slave Cooldown

Cool Down

11 / 10 / 9 / 8

Mana Cost

100 / 110 / 120 / 130


Light Strike Array

Summons a column of flames that damages and stuns enemies.

  • AFFECTS:area


  • DISPELLABLE:strong

  • light strike array aoe:250

  • light strike array delay time:0.5

  • light strike array stun duration:1.3 / 1.6 / 1.9 / 2.2

  • light strike array damage:110 / 160 / 210 / 260

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+150 Light Strike Array Damage

Cool Down

13 / 11 / 9 / 7

Mana Cost

100 / 115 / 130 / 145

Fiery Soul

Grants bonus attack and movement speed each time Lina hits an enemy with a spell. Stacks with itself. Lasts 18 seconds.

  • PASSIVE:Breakable

  • fiery soul attack speed bonus:4 / 8 / 16 / 24 / 32

  • fiery soul move speed bonus:1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3

  • fiery soul max stacks:7

  • fiery soul stack duration:18

Aghanim ScepterAghanim Shard

Aghanim`s Shard Upgrade

Lina's abilities deal %shard_bonus_spell_damage% more damage for each Fiery Soul Charge.

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

5% Fiery Soul Magic Resist Per Stack

Talent tree branch

+10/1% Fiery Soul Per Stack

Talent tree branch

+150% Crit On Targets Affected By Spells

Flame Cloak

Grants Lina unobstructed movement and increases her spell damage and magic resistance. Grants max fiery soul stacks on activation.


  • flame cloak duration:8

  • magic resistance:35

  • spell amp:35

  • visualzdelta:100

  • zchangespeed:350

Cool Down


Mana Cost



Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

125% Laguna Blade Damage into barrier

+ 1.2 %

+150% Crit On Targets Affected By Spells

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+10/1% Fiery Soul Per Stack

+ 0.8 %

-25s Laguna Blade Cooldown

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

5% Fiery Soul Magic Resist Per Stack

+ 0.7 %

+150 Light Strike Array Damage

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+25 Damage

+ 0.2 %

-3.5s Dragon Slave Cooldown

Win Rate

Pick Rate


Light Strike Array destroys trees which can be useful against certain heroes.

Make use of Lina's long attack range to harass opponents in the lane frequently.

Light Strike Array when opponents are somewhat stationary, e.g. when they are going for a last hit or deny.

Dragon Slave is great for securing ranged creep last hits and harassing opponents at the same time.

Use Dragon Slave on creep waves to maintain Fiery Soul Stacks and keep your maximum damage potential in fights and for farming.

Lina is great at split pushing with her quick wave clear abilities, as well as pick offs due to her high movement speed and massive burst damage.

Keep fiery soul stacks up in fights to ensure you dish out your maximum DPS with right clicks and spells.

With your Aghanims Scepter pick up, you can fly over treelines and cliffs to find better initiation angles or escape.

Counter Strategy

Lina's Light Strike Array has a long cast point. Look to dodge it.

Lina is a glass cannon type hero. Look to focus her in the fights.

Magic resistance and spell immunity items are great against Lina.

Gap closing items are good at getting you on top of Lina.

Lina is great at split-pushing and ratting. Consider getting Boots of Travel on a core.


The sibling rivalries between Lina the Slayer, and her younger sister Rylai, the Crystal Maiden, were the stuff of legend in the temperate region where they spent their quarrelsome childhoods together. Lina always had the advantage, however, for while Crystal was guileless and naive, Lina's fiery ardor was tempered by cleverness and conniving. The exasperated parents of these incompatible offspring went through half a dozen homesteads, losing one to fire, the next to ice, before they realized life would be simpler if the children were separated. As the oldest, Lina was sent far south to live with a patient aunt in the blazing Desert of Misrule, a climate that proved more than comfortable for the fiery Slayer. Her arrival made quite an impression on the somnolent locals, and more than one would-be suitor scorched his fingers or went away with singed eyebrows, his advances spurned. Lina is proud and confident, and nothing can dampen her flame.

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A red and white logo with the word 'Dota Coach' in a stylized font.
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