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Dota enthusiast! Let me introduce you to the steadfast and friendly Chainmail,the magical armor that turns your hero into a resilient champion with a heart of steel!
Basic Item | Equipment

Main shop

Gold is the currency used to buy items or instantly revive your hero in Dota 2.550

A medium weave of metal chains.

Dota enthusiast! Let me introduce you to the steadfast and friendly Chainmail,the magical armor that turns your hero into a resilient champion with a heart of steel!

Base Combat Stats

+ 4 Armor


Phase Boots
Witch Blade
Blade Mail
Dota enthusiast! Let me introduce you to the steadfast and friendly Chainmail,the magical armor that turns your hero into a resilient champion with a heart of steel!

Additional Insights

This marvelous piece of armor provides a significant boost to your hero's armor class, making them more durable against physical attacks. It's perfect for heroes who want to stand tall and soak up the blows with a smile, all while looking fabulous in their metallic attire.

Itemization Strategy

A further example of an early game item that gives you crucial armor to gain that extra survivability inside the battlefield but is mostly enjoyed by allmost any hero in the game right now as it gives a mix of supporting and fighting style to it's scaling.


Literally a weave metal chains is how a chainmail is formed.
Dota Coach logo
A red and white logo with the word 'Dota Coach' in a stylized font.
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