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Great Healing Lotus

The heartwarming and friendly Great Healing Lotus, the enchanted bloom that turns your hero into a beacon of restoration and well-being!
Lotus Items

The heartwarming and friendly Great Healing Lotus, the enchanted bloom that turns your hero into a beacon of restoration and well-being!

Base Combat Stats



Greater Healing Lotus
The heartwarming and friendly Great Healing Lotus, the enchanted bloom that turns your hero into a beacon of restoration and well-being!
Healing Lotus
Healing Lotus
Healing Lotus


Use: Eat Lotus

Instantly restores 400 health and mana.
Range: 400

Additional Insights

  • Hold Control to use on a nearby allied hero.
  • Picture the Great Healing Lotus as a radiant and vibrant flower, brimming with magical healing energy. It's not just about practicality, it's like giving them a trusty bouquet of kindness for every battlefield encounter. When your hero possesses the Great Healing Lotus, it's like they're ready to spread waves of healing energy, turning the battlefield into a garden of rejuvenation.

Itemization Strategy

Usually taken on the lotus pool by the offlaners to give them more survivability but it is open to everyone who seeks healing or instant mana restore for those mana hungry spells.


It's code name is 'great_famango' making it being derived from