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Pig Pole

The Pig Pole is like wielding a magical staff with a porcine twist, a delightful item that doesn't just shimmer but infuses your hero with a touch of swine charm and a hint of whimsy!
Neutral Item | Tier 1

A makeshift charm misplaced by a peace-loving, addlebrained enchanter.

The Pig Pole is like wielding a magical staff with a porcine twist, a delightful item that doesn't just shimmer but infuses your hero with a touch of swine charm and a hint of whimsy!

Base Combat Stats

Combat Stats

+ 0.83 Armor (from attributes)

+ 5 Damage for Primary Attribute Heroes

+ 10.5 Damage for Universal Heroes

+ 5 Attack Speed (from attributes)

+ 110 Health (from attributes)

+ 0.45 Health Regen (from attributes)

+ 60 Mana (from attributes)

+ 0.25 Mana Regen (from attributes)

+ 0.5% Magic Resistance (from attributes)


Universal Attribute Icon

+ 5 allAttributes


Active: Pig, Out!

Turns your hero into a critter for 4 seconds and gives them +10% Movement Speed.

Mana: 50

Cooldown: 25

Additional Insights

When your hero wields the Pig Pole, it's like having a magical conduit to the world of swine. The pole provides your hero with bonus attributes, turning them into a savvy spellcaster, a savvy tank and a savvy quick striker ready to weave enchantments with the mischievous spirit and laughter-inducing charm of a piggy companion.


The statistics below shows the percentage of hero builds which contain Pig Pole as a core or non-core item for each role. These statistics are based on our hero guides.

Itemization Strategy

Pig pole is a early game neutral item that in honest opinion can be given to any hero in the game, for it's attribute bonus for every stat and the ability to turn into a pig while moving faster is just spectacular early on!


It's internal name is called 'Unstable Wand' but how did it end up being a pig pole? Ice Frog? Explain?