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Armlet of Mordiggian

A hero's mighty gauntlet, a powerful and versatile item that not only boosts your hero's strength but also provides immense strength on demand, offering enhanced damage, armor, and survivability!
Upgraded Item | Weapons

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Gold is the currency used to buy items or instantly revive your hero in Dota 2.2500

Weapon of choice among brutes, the bearer sacrifices his life energy to gain immense strength and power.

A hero's mighty gauntlet, a powerful and versatile item that not only boosts your hero's strength but also provides immense strength on demand, offering enhanced damage, armor, and survivability!

Base Combat Stats

bonus damage

+ 15 Damage

+ 25 Attack Speed

+ 6 Armor

bonus health regen

+ 5 Health Regeneration


A hero's mighty gauntlet, a powerful and versatile item that not only boosts your hero's strength but also provides immense strength on demand, offering enhanced damage, armor, and survivability!
Helm of Iron Will
Gloves of Haste
Blades of Attack
Armlet of Mordiggian Recipe


Toggle: Unholy Strength

When active, Unholy Strength grants +35 damage, +25 strength and +4 armor, but drains 45 health per second.
You cannot die from the health drain when Unholy Strength is activated, nor from the strength loss when Unholy Strength is deactivated.

Additional Insights

  • The strength change will affect both maximum and current HP, but you cannot die from the change.
  • The strength change occurs over 0.6 seconds.
  • Activating or deactivating Unholy Strength does not interrupt channeling.
  • What's truly remarkable about the Armlet is its versatility. It's not just about the increased strength and survivability, it's about mastering its toggling mechanism to maximize its benefits during battles. Properly toggling the Armlet can turn the tides of fights, offering your hero a burst of power or conserving health strategically.


The statistics below shows the percentage of hero builds which contain Armlet of Mordiggian as a core or non-core item for each role. These statistics are based on our hero guides.

Itemization Strategy

Truly built for heroes with lifesteal so they dont have to worry about the health taken away per second, Usually a carry item and built upon the early game to gain significant flexibility for survivability and damage.

Heroes with Armlet of Mordiggian as Core Item

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Chaos Knight
A core item that boosts your DPS significantly as Armlet active bonus strength is passed to your illusions as well.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Huskar
A core item to increase your tankiness and damage output and make use of Berserkers Blood for extra attack speed while fighting, farming, or taking Roshan. Purchase Helm of Iron Will first to resolve your HP sustain and armor issues.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Lifestealer
A core item to increase your tankiness and damage output to dominate and zone out most offlaners from the lane.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Marci
A core item to significantly boost your damage output and tankiness in the laning stage and mid game. The stats from Unholy Strength also adds to your right click damage as a universal hero.


The Armlet of Mordiggian is named after the character 'Mordiggian' from the works of American author Clark Ashton Smith. Mordiggian is a deity associated with death and the harvest of souls in Smith's fictional mythology.