Book of the Dead

A record of the final reckoning. With one page torn out.
In the captivating world of Dota 2, the Book of the Dead is like stumbling upon a legendary tome, a mystical item that doesn't just gleam but summons a legion of loyal warriors to fight by your hero's side!
Base Combat Stats
+ 25 Strength
+ 25 Intelligence
Active: Greater Demonic Summoning
Summon 2 sets of Level 3 Necronomicon Units that last 75 seconds. Units have 100% more health and 75% more damage.
Cooldown: 80
Additional Insights
The statistics below shows the percentage of hero builds which contain Book of the Dead as a core or non-core item for each role. These statistics are based on our
.Itemization Strategy
Greatly utilized by utility offlaners or supports in the late game as it gives them the unit usage or what we call in dota 'zoo meta' to help you aura's become even more stronger. Beastmaster, Visage and Chen are just a few hot takers of this item when it comes available in the late game.