A red and white logo with the word 'Dota Coach' in a stylized font.
Dota Coach logoDota Coach logoDota Coach logoDota Coach logo



The technically-true-to-his-word 'teleportation device' crafted by a notorious fae trickster.

Base Combat Stats

+ 35 Movement Speed


Active: Flicker

Dispells debuffs and blinks you in a random forward direction for a random distance between 200 and 600. If cast within 3 seconds of receiving player damage, it will blink in place.
Dispel Type: Basic Dispel

Cooldown: 5

Dota Coach logo
A red and white logo with the word 'Dota Coach' in a stylized font.
Dota 2 is a registered trademark of Valve Corporation.
© 2025 Rho Technologies LLC
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