Gauntlets of Strength


Main shop

Studded leather gloves that add brute strength.
The sturdy and friendly Gauntlets of Strength, the reliable handwear that adds a touch of resilience and might to your hero's grasp. Imagine these gauntlets as magical gloves that your hero wears with pride. It's not just about making a fashion statement (though they do look pretty cool), it's a symbol of strength and durability.
Base Combat Stats
+ 3 Strength

Additional Insights
The statistics below shows the percentage of hero builds which contain Gauntlets of Strength as a core or non-core item for each role. These statistics are based on our
.Itemization Strategy
A primary item for strength heroes, may it be a core or a support that seeks greater fortitude and enhancing their primary stats. Primal Beast, Mars and Earthshaker are the heroes you would surely want to see this on.