An extraordinary magical weapon called the Khanda. It's like wielding a staff infused with mystical energy that not only enhances your powers but also amplifies your intellect and mana capacity!
Base Combat Stats
+ 50 Damage
+ 200 Health
+ 200 Mana
+ 8 All Attributes
Passive: Empower Spell
The next Unit Target spell you cast on an enemy deals 150 + 75% of your attack damage as bonus damage to the target, and slows them by 50% for 1.5s.
Passive: Critical Strike
Grants each attack a 30% chance to deal 160% damage.
Additional Insights
- Critical Strike does not work against buildings.
- When you wield the Khanda, it empowers your spells and abilities by amplifying your magical prowess. It's like infusing your attacks with extra magical potency, making your enemies feel the full force of your mystical abilities.
The statistics below shows the percentage of hero builds which contain Khanda as a core or non-core item for each role. These statistics are based on our hero guides.
Itemization Strategy
As a new item the Khanda has been an inquiry of questions to may it be a support late game item or mid game core item, well for me i say it's both because the beauty of dota is about the flexibility of which an item is mean to be built by the user. Heroes Like Tiny, Luna and Morph are impacted by this item a lot.