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Mirror Shield

Let me set into you to the fabulous and friendly Mirror Shield – the enchanted item that turns your hero into a stylish and defensive marvel with a touch of magical protection!

The shield that long ago robbed the old one of his first memories.

Let me set into you to the fabulous and friendly Mirror Shield – the enchanted item that turns your hero into a stylish and defensive marvel with a touch of magical protection!

Base Combat Stats

+ 0 All Attributes


Passive: Echo Shield

Block and reflect most targeted spells back to their caster once every 12.0 seconds.

Additional Insights

This sensational item grants your hero a chance to reflect targeted spells back to their casters, turning the tables on those who dare to unleash magic upon them. It's perfect for heroes who want to be the stylish protectors on the battlefield, deflecting spells with a touch of magical elegance.


The statistics below shows the percentage of hero builds which contain Mirror Shield as a core or non-core item for each role. These statistics are based on our hero guides.

Itemization Strategy

One of the late game neutral items that will surely make you think twice best for cores to give them a safety start. Heroes like Anti Mage, Juggernaut and Void Spirit benefits a lot for being aggresive on this item.


It does not stack with Soulbind from Grimstroke
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