Octarine Core


Main shop

At the core of spellcraft are spectrums only the very gifted can sense.
Picture the Octarine Core in Dota 2 as the ultimate magical gem, the hero's ticket to spellcasting paradise! When your hero gets their hands on this magnificent item, it's like unlocking a treasure trove of spellcasting wonders. The Octarine Core does something truly magical it reduces the cooldowns of your hero's abilities and items.
Base Combat Stats
+ 25% Cooldown Reduction

+ 500 Health

+ 500 Mana

+ 6 Mana Regeneration

Passive: Cooldown Reduction
Reduces the cooldown time of all spells and items.
Additional Insights
The statistics below shows the percentage of hero builds which contain Octarine Core as a core or non-core item for each role. These statistics are based on our
.Itemization Strategy
Highly recommended for Cores specially Mid magical heroes like Zeus,Invoker, Queen of Pain and many more. More Recently it has also been a go to item for roaming supports that likes to initiate because of it's added Health and Cooldown Reduction keeping them annoying all throughout the engagement just like that space cow grr.