Your magical fortitude with an epitome of striking the very trenches of the deeper pain you could ever inflict, yes thats parasma right there a truly magical abomination.
Base Combat Stats
+ 40 Intelligence
+ 40 Attack Speed
+ 8 Armor
+ 1.5 Mana Regeneration
+ 300 Projectile Speed
Passive: Witch Blade
Causes your next attack to have true strike, apply a poison for 4 seconds, slowing by 25% and dealing 0.75x your intelligence as damage every second.
Passive: Magic Corruption
Your attacks reduce the enemy's Magic resistance by 20% for 4 seconds.
Additional Insights
The statistics below shows the percentage of hero builds which contain Parasma as a core or non-core item for each role. These statistics are based on our hero guides.
Itemization Strategy
Prioritized from mid to late game as this gives another significant boost to the output damage of a magical core hero making you less dependent on a veil of discord from your supports. Heroes like Queen of Pain and Storm Spirit lavish on the effects of it.