Power Treads


Main shop

A pair of tough-skinned boots that change to meet the demands of the wearer.
Power Treads are like the magical shoes that every hero dreams of wearing. They aren't just your typical boots, they're a versatile pair that allows you to adjust your strength, agility, or intelligence on the fly, giving you a bit of extra oomph in battles!
Base Combat Stats
+ 45 Move Speed (Ranged Heroes)
+ 55 Move Speed (Melee Heroes)
+ 10 Selected Attribute
+ 25 Attack Speed

Active: Switch Attribute
Switches between +10 Strength, +10 Agility, or +10 Intelligence. Movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack.
Additional Insights
- Power Treads can be built using a Belt of Strength, Band of Elvenskin, or a Robe of the Magi.
- If you need a bit more strength to stand your ground, you can adjust the Treads to bolster your muscles. Or, if agility is what you seek, a quick twist and you'll be darting around faster than ever. And for the more magically inclined heroes, a simple tweak grants you a boost in intellect.
The statistics below shows the percentage of hero builds which contain Power Treads as a core or non-core item for each role. These statistics are based on our
.Itemization Strategy
Frequently bought by allmost everyone in the game the power threads no introduction, usually built from the early game as a great fundamental item to start with that gives balance from stats to damage, health or mana.