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Safety Bubble

The Safety Bubble is like conjuring a protective haven, a delightful spell that doesn't just shimmer but envelops your hero with a resilient shield, offering a cozy retreat amidst the chaotic dance of spells and battles!

The Safety Bubble is like conjuring a protective haven, a delightful spell that doesn't just shimmer but envelops your hero with a resilient shield, offering a cozy retreat amidst the chaotic dance of spells and battles!


Passive: Bubbled Up

Equipped Hero has a 100 HP Barrier against enemy damage. Barrier fully regenerates after not receiving damage for 8 seconds. Self-inflicted damage bypasses the barrier.

Additional Insights

When your hero activates the Safety Bubble, it's like stepping into a magical haven. This bubble provides your hero with a protective shield, absorbing incoming damage and turning them into a momentarily invulnerable sprite, ready to dance around the chaos with the serene assurance of a magical ward.


The statistics below shows the percentage of hero builds which contain Safety Bubble as a core or non-core item for each role. These statistics are based on our hero guides.

Itemization Strategy

Prevents you from being bursted and is like a free pavise early on the game that suits very well on supports, Heroes like Venge, Hoodwink and Lion makes it harder from them to be targeted having this.


It was created during patch 7.35
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