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Let me put in place to you the trusty and friendly Trusty Shovel, the enchanted digging tool that turns your hero into a resourceful and optimistic explorer with a touch of dig-it-all charm!
Neutral Item | Tier 1

Former plaything of a young deity, received as a gift from his uncle.

Let me put in place to you the trusty and friendly Trusty Shovel, the enchanted digging tool that turns your hero into a resourceful and optimistic explorer with a touch of dig-it-all charm!


Active: Dig

Channel for 1 second.
Can find a Bounty Rune, a Healing Salve, an Enchanted Mango, or a Kobold. If digging in a river, always digs up a Water Rune.

Cooldown: 40

Additional Insights

  • %chance_bounty_rune%%% chance for a Bounty Rune.
  • %chance_other_item%%% chance each for a Flask, an Enchanted Mango, or a kobold.
  • The same Trusty Shovel cannot find the same reward twice in a row.
  • This extraordinary item provides your hero with the ability to dig for bounty runes, gold, or even a helpful healing salve, sprinkling the battlefield with a touch of serendipity. It's perfect for heroes who want to be the optimistic prospectors, exploring the map with a trusty shovel and a heart full of curiosity.


The statistics below shows the percentage of hero builds which contain dota.items.item_trusty_shovel as a core or non-core item for each role. These statistics are based on our hero guides.

Itemization Strategy

A very cute companion to start with in the game on your neutral item, this item is a very good utitily one for your core or supports as this gives a lot of healing for health and mana, Almost any hero uses this now as it exploits the early regeneration needs of a hero.


Did you know the shovel cant give you the same item twice in a row?
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A red and white logo with the word 'Dota Coach' in a stylized font.
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