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Shield Crash

Pangolier jumps in the air and slams back to the ground in front of his current position, damaging and slowing all enemies in a radius. For each enemy hero hit, he gains an all damage shield for a short time. Forward movement is maintained if Shield Crash is used while Rolling Thunder is active, and allows Rolling Thunder to clear walls or cliffs. Shield Crash cooldown during Rolling Thunder is decreased.



  • damage:60 / 120 / 180 / 240

  • hero shield:50 / 100 / 150 / 200

  • duration:10

  • radius:500

  • jump duration:0.4

  • jump duration gyroshell:0.75

  • jump height:250

  • jump height gyroshell:350

  • jump horizontal distance:225

  • movement slow:20% / 25% / 30% / 35%

  • slow duration:3

Aghanim ScepterAghanim Shard

Aghanim`s Scepter Upgrade

Causes Shield Crash to cast a 2-attack Swashbuckle every 90 degrees around your hero.

    Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

    +80 Shield Crash Barrier Per Hero

    Talent tree branch

    +125 Shield Crash Radius

    Cool Down

    18 / 16 / 14 / 12

    Mana Cost

    70 / 80 / 90 / 100