A red and white logo with the word 'Dota Coach' in a stylized font.
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Whirling Death

Timbersaw whirls extremely sharp edges, damaging enemies and destroying trees around him in an area. If an enemy hero is affected, it loses some of its primary attribute for a short duration. Whirling Death will deal bonus damage per tree destroyed.



  • whirling radius:325

  • whirling damage:85 / 130 / 175 / 220

  • tree damage scale:11 / 18 / 25 / 32

  • whirling tick:0.3

  • stat loss pct:13

  • stat loss univ:5

  • duration:12 / 13 / 14 / 15

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+2.5% Whirling Death Stat Loss

Cool Down

7.5 / 7 / 6.5 / 6

Mana Cost

80 / 85 / 90 / 95