Shields his allies or himself from attacks
Able to transform enemy attacks into self-healing, Abaddon can survive almost any assault. Shielding allies and launching his double-edged coil at a friend or foe, he is always ready to ride into the thick of battle.
Win Rate 56.0%
Pick Rate 9.3%

604 +48.4/lvl
303 +19.2/lvl

22 +2.2/lvl

23 +1.3/lvl

19 +1.6/lvl

40.8 - 50.8 + 3.6/level (173.7 - 183.7 at level 30)


3.8 + 0.2/level (12.4 at level 30)

The Quickening
Win Rate: 55.5%
Pick Rate: 37.0%

The Quickening
Mephitic Shroud
Win Rate: 56.4%
Pick Rate: 63.0%
Aphotic Shield absorbs more damage and reflects damage when received instead of exploding at the end.

Aphotic Shield
Damage barrier amount increased, but no longer bursts upon expiration. 75% of absorbed damage is dealt to nearby enemies.
DAMAGE BARRIER: =170 =210 =250 =290

Damaging enemies applies the Withering Mist debuff for 5s. Affected enemies have their HP regeneration, healing, lifesteal and spell lifesteal reduced by 35% if they are below 40% HP.
PATCH 7.37
New Innate ability. Passive, can't be leveled up
Damaging enemies applies the Withering Mist debuff for 5s. Affected enemies have their HP regeneration, healing, lifesteal and spell lifesteal reduced by 35% if they are below 40% HP

Mist Coil
Abaddon releases a coil of deathly mist that can damage an enemy unit or heal a friendly unit at the cost of some of Abaddon's health.
DAMAGE/HEAL: 100 / 175 / 250 / 325

6.5 / 6 / 5.5 / 5

50 / 55 / 60 / 65

600 / 625 / 650 / 675

- +35 Mist Coil Heal/Damage
- 350 AoE Mist Coil

Aphotic Shield
Summons dark energies around an ally unit, creating an all damage barrier that absorbs a set amount of damage before expiring. When the barrier is destroyed it will burst and deal damage equal to the amount it could absorb to an area around it. Removes certain types of negative buffs and stuns on cast. DISPEL TYPE: Strong Dispel
DAMAGE BARRIER: 120 / 150 / 180 / 210

12 / 10 / 8 / 6

95 / 110 / 125 / 140


- Aphotic Shield provides +12HP Regen
- +80 Aphotic Shield Barrier Amount

Curse of Avernus
Abaddon strikes an enemy, affecting them by a chilling curse, slowing them, causing them to take damage over time, and all attacks against them gain an attack speed boost. Damage over time component to buildings is reduced by 70%.
SLOW: 10% / 15% / 20% / 25%
ATTACK SPEED: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40
DPS: 15 / 25 / 35 / 45

- -15% Curse of Avernus Movement Slow
- +50 Curse of Avernus DPS
- +80 Curse of Avernus Attack Speed Bonus

Borrowed Time
When activated, all damage dealt to you will heal instead of harm. Most negative buffs will also be removed. If the ability is not on cooldown, it will automatically activate if your health falls below 400. DISPEL TYPE: Strong Dispel
DURATION: 7 / 8 / 9
RANGE: 900

90 / 80 / 70

- 100 Borrowed Time Immolation DPS

350 AoE Mist Coil
+ 1.8 %
+80 Curse of Avernus Attack Speed Bonus

100 Borrowed Time Immolation DPS
+80 Aphotic Shield Barrier Amount
+ 3.8 %

+35 Mist Coil Heal/Damage
+ 4.2 %
+50 Curse of Avernus DPS

Aphotic Shield provides +12HP Regen
+ 2.0 %
-15% Curse of Avernus Movement Slow
Win Rate
Pick Rate
Apply Aphotic Shield pre-emptively on yourself as you are coming to lane after rune fight. Apply another as the previous one expires to inflict great AoE damage. Pull afterwards.
Play ahead of the Core you are supporting to absorb damage and trade regen.
Salve or clarity won't be canceled while you have Apothic Shield on.
If someone applies a break effect on you, you will have to trigger Borrowed Time manually.
If you got disabled along with your teammate you can pop Borrowed Time to remove stun off yourself and then apply Aphotic Shield on a stunned ally to free him as well.
You can position more aggressively than rest of your team, as opponents usually don't want to go on you due to Borrowed Time.
Constantly look at your teammates to heal or hard dispel them.
Silences and heal reductions are a big problems for Abaddon. Avoid being hit by those or itemize against them.
With Aghanim's Scepter, you will need to activate your Ultimate manually, while most of the damage is being inflicted on your teammates.
Counter Strategy
Abaddon's Aphothic Shield applies strong dispel. Use disabling and damage-over-time dispellable spells only after the shield was used.
If you are in the fog, exploding Aphotic Shield won't damage you.
Abaddon's Ulti Burrowed Time applies strong dispel and heals Abaddon for all damage taken. Don't hit him.
Break effects make Burrowed Time not start automatically. But Abaddon can still activate it manually.
The Font of Avernus is the source of a family's strength, a crack in primal stones from which vapors of prophetic power have issued for generations. Each newborn of the cavernous House Avernus is bathed in the black mist, and by this baptism they are given an innate connection to the mystic energies of the land. They grow up believing themselves fierce protectors of their lineal traditions, the customs of the realm--but what they really are protecting is the Font itself. And the motives of the mist are unclear.
When the infant Abaddon was bathed in the Font, they say something went awry. In the child's eyes there flared a light of comprehension that startled all present and set the sacerdotes to whispering. He was raised with every expectation of following the path all scions of Avernus took--to train in war, that in times of need he might lead the family's army in defense of the ancestral lands. But Abaddon was always one apart. Where others trained with weapons, he bent himself to meditation in the presence of the mist. He drank deep from the vapors that welled from the Font, learning to blend his spirit with the potency that flowed from far beneath the House; he became a creature of the black mist.
There was bitterness within the House Avernus--elders and young alike accusing him of neglecting his responsibilities. But all such accusations stopped when Abaddon rode into battle, and they saw how the powers of the mist had given him mastery over life and death beyond those of any lord the House had ever known.