Burrows to stun and slow enemies
Not many can survive an ambush from Sand King. Demolishing everything around him with waves of deadly vibration from his ultimate, he evades counterattacks by hiding himself in a scouring gust of sand, and stuns foes by striking them from beneath.
Win Rate 48.5%
Pick Rate 4.4%

604 +50.6/lvl
279 +24.0/lvl

22 +2.3/lvl

19 +2.0/lvl

17 +2.0/lvl

59.599999999999994 - 69.6 + 4.4/level (216.9 - 226.9 at level 30)


4.2 + 0.3/level (16.2 at level 30)

Win Rate: 49.5%
Pick Rate: 87.5%
Sand Storm has increased radius and grants Sand King Invisibility while in it.

Sand Storm
Sand Storm has increased radius and grants Sand King Invisibility while in it.
RADIUS: =575 =650 =725 =800
Dust Devil
Win Rate: 41.1%
Pick Rate: 12.5%
Sand Storm follows Sand King when he moves or Burrowstrikes.

Sand Storm
Sand Storm follows Sand King at a rate of 70% of his movement speed and is still active at a distance of up to 2500 units away from Sand King.

LEVELS WITH: Epicenter
Sand King's attacks inject a venom that causes enemy units to violently explode when they die.

LEVEL 10 TALENT: +{s:bonus_caustic_finale_radius} Caustic Finale Radius

Sand King burrows into the ground and tunnels forward, damaging and stunning enemy units above him as he resurfaces. Adds Caustic Finale poison to heroes hit
Can be put on alt-cast to immediately cast in the desired direction, without walking towards the targeted location.
STUN DURATION: 1.2 / 1.4 / 1.6 / 1.8

14 / 13 / 12 / 11

110 / 120 / 130 / 140

525 / 600 / 675 / 750

- +150 Burrowstrike Cast Range
- -2s Burrowstrike Cooldown

Sand Storm
Sand King creates a fearsome sandstorm that damages enemy units. The effect ends when Sand King leaves the area.
DURATION: 16 / 20 / 24 / 28
RADIUS: 350 / 400 / 450 / 500
DAMAGE PER SECOND: 30 / 50 / 70 / 90

40 / 34 / 28 / 22


- +20 Sand Storm Damage Per Second

Sand King strikes an area, performing an attack on all enemies in the area of effect, dealing extra damage to each. Enemies within an innermost radius of 125 take 40% extra damage. Applies Caustic Finale and a slow to all enemies hit.
RADIUS: 225 / 255 / 285 / 315
BONUS DAMAGE: 35 / 70 / 105 / 140
MOVEMENT SPEED SLOW: 10% / 12% / 14% / 16%

15 / 12 / 9 / 6

35 / 40 / 45 / 50


- +8% Stinger Slow

After a cast point of %abilitycastpoint% seconds, Sand King sends a disturbance into the earth, causing it to shudder violently. All enemies caught within range will take damage and become slowed. Each subsequent pulse increases the radius of damage dealt.
PULSES: 12 / 16 / 20
DAMAGE PER PULSE: 60 / 70 / 80
MOVEMENT SLOW: -30% / -40% / -50%
ATTACK SLOW: -50 / -55 / -60

120 / 110 / 100

150 / 225 / 300

Aghanim's Scepter
When the pulses start, 3 Stinger attack areas are created every =0.5s at random locations, each measuring 15% of the Epicenter's current radius, that apply =50% of Stinger damage to enemies hit. Shard pulses cause 1 attack(s).

Aghanim's Shard
Increases Epicenter damage per pulse. Every 3.5s causes a small single Epicenter Pulse around Sand King.

- +100/100 Base/Incremental Radius of Epicenter
- +10 Epicenter Pulses

35% Sand Storm Slow and Blind
+10 Epicenter Pulses
+ 0.4 %

+n/a/n/a Base/Incremental Radius of Epicenter
+ 4.1 %
-2s Burrowstrike Cooldown

+150 Burrowstrike Cast Range
+ 0.9 %
+20 Sand Storm Damage Per Second

+100 Caustic Finale Radius
+8% Stinger Slow
+ 1.0 %
Win Rate
Pick Rate
Make sure pull camps are open for pulling as the you will be pushing lane non-stop.
Check opponents' inventories for detection frequently if you took the Sandshroud facet.
Tag creeps with Caustic Finale and if an opponent comes close, you can Burrowstrike or Stinger to last hit and explode creeps.
When in trouble, you can sometimes stand your ground in a Sand Storm and fight back.
Sand King is great at defending towers as you can Sand Storm in front and hide yourself in trees with the Sandshroud facet.
Once you have Blink Dagger, use it immediately before opponents are able to see it in your inventory.
Stay out of vision and be patient in the fights. Choose a good moment to jump with your combo.
Sand King is great at split pushing when not much is happening on the map.
Counter Strategy
Bring a sentry to the lane against Sand Kings Sand Storm if he took the Sandshroud facet.
Your creeps explode on death due to Sand King's Caustic Finale. Denying affected creeps prevents explosion.
Avoid fighting in Sand Storm for too long as it does a lot of magical damage.
Against Sand King you need to carry detection on multiple heroes if he took the Sandshroud facet.
Be aware of Sand King's Blink Dagger timing. Look to cancel his Dagger in fights.
Avoid fighting in choke spots and clumping up against Sand King's Epicenter and Blink Dagger combination.
Spell immunity and magic resistance items are great against Sand King's magical damage.
Once Sand King has Aghanims Scepter, be careful about standing in Sand Storm as you can get perma stunned.
The sands of the Scintillant Waste are alive and sentient--the whole vast desert speaks to itself, thinking thoughts only such a vastness can conceive. But when it needs must find a form to communicate with those of more limited scope, it frees a fragment of itself, and fills a carapace of magic armor formed by the cunning Djinn of Qaldin. This essential identity calls itself Crixalis, meaning 'Soul of the Sand,' but others know it as Sand King. Sand King takes the form of a huge arachnid, inspired by the Scintillant Waste's small but ubiquitous denizens; and this is a true outward expression of his ferocious nature. Guardian, warrior, ambassador--Sand King is all of these things, inseparable from the endless desert that gave him life.