A red and white logo with the word 'Dota Coach' in a stylized font.
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The cornucopia is like a perseverance twin brother almost giving the same attirbutes and almost looking a like, is this a manta of an item?.
Basic Item | Secret Shop

Secret Shop

Gold is the currency used to buy items or instantly revive your hero in Dota 2.1200

The cornucopia is like a perseverance twin brother almost giving the same attirbutes and almost looking a like, is this a manta of an item?.

Base Combat Stats

Combat Stats

+ 7 Damage

+ 5 Health Regen

+ 2 Mana Regen


Orchid Malevolence
Refresher Orb
Battle Fury
The cornucopia is like a perseverance twin brother almost giving the same attirbutes and almost looking a like, is this a manta of an item?.

Additional Insights

One of the crucial items in dota in terms of finding your foundation, this item not only gives the essential stats but also that extra damage!

Itemization Strategy

Bought certainly by cores who goes on to like their flashy items, this item is bought from early to post laning stage. Heroes that fancy this item are Phantom Assassin and Ursa.


In classical antiquity, the cornucopia, from Latin cornu (horn) and copia (abundance), also called the horn of plenty, was a symbol of abundance and nourishment, commonly a large horn-shaped container overflowing with produce, flowers, or nuts.