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Battle Fury

A legendary cleaver, a mighty and robust item that not only increases your hero's damage and attack but also provides a powerful cleave effect, allowing them to strike multiple enemies in the most valorous way!
Upgraded Item | Weapons

Main shop

Gold is the currency used to buy items or instantly revive your hero in Dota 2.4100

The bearer of this mighty axe gains the ability to cut down swaths of enemies at once.

A legendary cleaver, a mighty and robust item that not only increases your hero's damage and attack but also provides a powerful cleave effect, allowing them to strike multiple enemies in the most valorous way!

Base Combat Stats

bonus damage

+ 50 Damage

bonus health regen

+ 7.5 Health Regeneration

bonus mana regen

+ 2.75 Mana Regeneration


A legendary cleaver, a mighty and robust item that not only increases your hero's damage and attack but also provides a powerful cleave effect, allowing them to strike multiple enemies in the most valorous way!
Quelling Blade
Battle Fury Recipe


Active: Chop Tree

Destroy a target tree.

Cooldown: 4

Passive: Quell

Increases attack damage against non-hero units by 10 for melee heroes, and 5 for ranged.

Passive: Cleave

Deals 60% of attack damage as physical damage in a cone up to 650 around the target. Deals 40% against creeps. (Melee Only)

Additional Insights

  • Cleave damage goes through spell immunity.
  • If multiple sources of Cleave are present, each Cleave's damage is applied separately.
  • The benefit of the Battle Fury lies in its ability to increase farming efficiency by allowing your hero to swiftly clear groups of creeps or enemy units, accelerating gold and experience gain. It's an invaluable tool for heroes looking to rapidly amass resources and push lanes effectively.


The statistics below shows the percentage of hero builds which contain Battle Fury as a core or non-core item for each role. These statistics are based on our hero guides.

Itemization Strategy

Farm, Farm and Farm! If you wanna keep yourself from constanlty on top of the networth then this item should be on on top of your priorities, a great item to be built from the early game that could translate and scale all throughout the game until you have something better to replace it's slot in your inventory.

Heroes with Battle Fury as Core Item

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Anti-Mage
A core item to flash farm the map and split push lanes with cleave damage as well as gain some much needed HP and mana sustain.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Juggernaut
A core item for farming by clearing creep waves and neutrals much faster with cleave damage. Increases your right click damage and provides HP and mana sustain.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Kez
A core item that allows you to flash farm and scale troughout the game. A lot of your damage comes from attacks, which BF empowers with cleave.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Phantom Assassin
A core item for farming by clearing creep waves and neutrals much faster with cleave damage. Increases your right click damage and provides HP and mana sustain. Also gives cleave damage to Stifling Dagger.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Troll Warlord
A core item for farming by clearing creep waves and neutrals much faster with cleave damage. Increases your right click damage and provides HP and mana sustain.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Ursa
A core item for farming by clearing creep waves and neutrals much faster with cleave damage. Increases your right click damage and provides HP and mana sustain.

Heroes countered by Battle Fury

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Chaos Knight
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Nature's Prophet
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Naga Siren
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Phantom Lancer


The inclusion of the Battle Fury in Dota 2 pays homage to its roots in the Warcraft III universe, showcasing how elements from previous games have influenced the design and mechanics of items within Dota, providing players with powerful and iconic artifacts to enhance their hero's capabilities on the battlefield.
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A red and white logo with the word 'Dota Coach' in a stylized font.
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