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Meteor Hammer

A hero's celestial smith, a magical and versatile item that not only deals damage but also provides crowd control and tower pressure in the most enchanting approach!
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An enchanted hammer forged of metals discovered in the ruins of a village destroyed by a great star storm.

A hero's celestial smith, a magical and versatile item that not only deals damage but also provides crowd control and tower pressure in the most enchanting approach!

Base Combat Stats

Combat Stats

+ 1 Armor (from attributes)

+ 6 Damage for Strength Heroes

+ 6 Damage for Agility Heroes

+ 24 Damage for Intelligence Heroes

+ 6 Attack Speed (from attributes)

+ 132 Health (from attributes)

+ 0.54 Health Regen (from attributes)

+ 288 Mana (from attributes)

+ 75% Mana Regen

+ 1.2 Mana Regen (from attributes)

+ 2.4% Magic Resistance (from attributes)

+ 24% Spell Lifesteal Amplification

+ 10% Spell Amplification



A hero's celestial smith, a magical and versatile item that not only deals damage but also provides crowd control and tower pressure in the most enchanting approach!
Meteor Hammer Recipe


Active: Meteor Hammer

CHANNELED - After a successful channel, summons a meteor that strikes a 400 AoE, stunning enemies for 0.5 seconds and dealing impact damage. Continues to deal damage over time to enemies units and buildings for 6 seconds. Non-building units are also slowed for 20% for the duration of the burn.
Building Impact Damage: 90
Building Over Time Damage: 50
Non-Building Impact Damage: 130
Non-Building Over Time Damage: 50
Channel Duration: 2 seconds.
Landing Time: .5 seconds.

Mana: 100

Cooldown: 24

Additional Insights

The Meteor Hammer has a two-fold effect. Firstly, it deals damage to enemies in an area over a brief duration, making them feel the brunt of the celestial impact. Secondly, it lets your hero channel for a few seconds, causing a meteor to crash down on the targeted area ensnaring enemies and damaging structures like towers or barracks.


The statistics below shows the percentage of hero builds which contain Meteor Hammer as a core or non-core item for each role. These statistics are based on our hero guides.

Itemization Strategy

Very strong from the get go, this item, prioritized heavily by offlaners or cores that loves to push and in some cases supports who wants to snowball the game. An item built right away in the laning stage to guarantee a tower objective and secure the map even more. Heroes that love building this item are Tidehunter and Outworld Destroyer.


The Meteor Hammer stood out among the new additions due to its unique combination of abilities merging a channeling mechanic with an area-of-effect damaging effect. This made it an innovative item, providing heroes with a tool for both crowd control and tower damage in a single package.