Oblivion Staff


Main shop

Deceptively hidden as an ordinary staff, it is actually very powerful, much like the Eldritch who originally possessed it.
Picture an enchanting and powerful item known as the Oblivion Staff. It's like holding a magical staff that not only enhances your abilities but also empowers you with both intelligence and attack speed!
Base Combat Stats
+ 10 Intelligence
+ 35 Attack Speed

+ 1.0 Mana Regeneration

Additional Insights
This fantastic staff isn't just for show; it provides a substantial boost in intelligence, making your spells stronger and your mind sharper. It's like saying, 'Let's amplify our magical prowess and outsmart our foes!'
Itemization Strategy
An amazing early game item that is a component for a much more bigger one, this item is seek by cores who would love to intesify their magical glory.
An interesting trivia about the Oblivion Staff in Dota 2 is its evolution from the original Warcraft III mod, Defense of the Ancients (DotA). In Warcraft III, there was an item called 'Quarterstaff', which provided a bonus to a hero's attack damage and was built into other items.