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Primal Split

Splits Brewmaster into elements, forming 4 specialized warriors, adept at survival, each with their own abilities. If any of them survive until the end of their summoned timer, the Brewmaster is reborn.


  • duration:16 / 18 / 20

  • split duration:0.6

  • tooltip earth brewling hp:1400 / 2300 / 3200

  • tooltip storm brewling hp:1000 / 1500 / 2000

  • tooltip fire brewling hp:1300 / 1450 / 1600

  • tooltip void brewling hp:1200 / 1500 / 1800

Aghanim ScepterAghanim Shard

Aghanim`s Scepter Upgrade

Primal Split has 2 charges and can be canceled at any time. Charge replenish time is equal to the normal cooldown.

    Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

    +10 Brewlings Damage

    Talent tree branch

    +1200 Brewlings Health

    Cool Down

    140 / 130 / 120

    Mana Cost

    150 / 200 / 250