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Crystal Maiden

Popularity: #24

Leaderboard: #52

Ban Rank: #122

KDA Rank: #114

Unleashes a high damage blizzard upon her foes

Able to keep her allies supplied with mana as she slows down enemies to ensure a kill, Crystal Maiden is a helpful addition to any team. And, when the opportunity arises, she can unleash her massive ultimate ability to devastate her foes.

Win Rate 50.3%
Pick Rate 12.2%
crystal maiden Image

374 +48.4/lvl

216 +39.6/lvl

Strength Image

17 +2.2/lvl

Agility Image

16 +1.6/lvl

Intelligence Image

18 +3.3/lvl



30 - 36 + 1.6/level (76.4 - 82.4 at level 30)






0 + 0.3/level (8.7 at level 30)














area_of_effect icon

Frozen Expanse

Win Rate: 50.8%

Pick Rate: 80.4%

Freezing Field also passively increases Crystal Maiden's cast range and area of effect.

Freezing Field

Freezing Field also passively increases Crystal Maiden's cast range and area of effect.





mana icon

Cold Comfort

Win Rate: 48.5%

Pick Rate: 19.6%

Crystal Maiden restores her allies' Mana when casting spells.

Arcane Aura

Every time Crystal Maiden casts a spell, allies close to her receive mana equal to a percentage of the spell's mana cost.






Innate Ability Image

Blueheart Floe

Crystal Maiden has 50% Mana Regeneration Amplification.


Crystal Nova

A burst of damaging frost slows enemy movement in the targeted area.

  • AFFECTS:area



  • DEBUFF:yes

  • AbilityCastRange:700

  • AbilityCastPoint:0.3 / 0.3 / 0.3 / 0.3

  • AbilityManaCost:115 / 135 / 155 / 175

  • radius:425

  • movespeed slow:-20 / -30 / -40 / -50

  • attackspeed slow:-30 / -45 / -60 / -75

  • duration:5

  • vision duration:6

  • nova damage:110 / 160 / 210 / 260

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+100 Crystal Nova AoE

Talent tree branch

-4s Crystal Nova Cooldown

Talent tree branch

+300 Crystal Nova Damage

Cool Down

11 / 10 / 9 / 8



Encases an enemy unit in ice, prohibiting movement and attack, while dealing damage over time. Deals 4x damage to non-ancient creeps.

  • AFFECTS:unit



  • DEBUFF:yes

  • AbilityCastRange:600

  • AbilityCastPoint:0.3 / 0.3 / 0.3 / 0.3

  • AbilityManaCost:125 / 135 / 145 / 155

  • damage per second:100

  • duration:1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3

  • creep multiplier:4

  • tick interval:0.25

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+100 Frostbite Cast Range

Talent tree branch

+1s Frostbite Duration

Cool Down

9 / 8 / 7 / 6

Arcane Aura

Gives additional mana regeneration to all friendly units on the map. Allies within a 1200 radius of Crystal Maiden receive 3x the mana regeneration.

  • PASSIVE:Breakable

  • base mana regen:0.4 / 0.6 / 0.8 / 1

  • proximity mana regen tooltip:1.2 / 1.8 / 2.4 / 3

  • proximity bonus factor:3

  • proximity bonus radius:1200


Freezing Field

CHANNELED - Surrounds Crystal Maiden with 100 random icy explosions that slow enemies and deal massive damage. Lasts %abilitychanneltime% seconds.


  • AbilityChannelTime:10

  • AbilityDuration:10

  • AbilityManaCost:200 / 400 / 600

  • radius:810

  • explosion radius:320

  • explosion interval:0.1

  • movespeed slow:-40

  • attack slow:-80 / -120 / -160

  • slow duration:1

  • explosion min dist:195

  • explosion max dist:785

  • damage:105 / 170 / 250

  • frostbite delay:-1

Aghanim ScepterAghanim Shard

Aghanim`s Scepter Upgrade

Allows you to move, cast and attack during Freezing Field. Can still be interrupted by enemies. You move -75% slower during this. Increases total number of explosions by 20%. Applies Frostbite to any unit that has been standing in the Freezing Field for over 3.5s.

Aghanim ScepterAghanim Shard

Aghanim`s Shard Upgrade

Allows you to move, cast and attack during Freezing Field. Can still be interrupted by enemies. You move -75% slower during this.Increases total number of explosions by 20%.

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+50 Freezing Field Damage

Cool Down

100 / 95 / 90

Crystal Clone

Slides in a direction, creating a crystal clone of herself in her place and disjointing incoming projectiles. If the clone takes enough damage or times out, it shatters, Frostbiting enemies in a 450 AoE around its place. The Clone can also be destroyed by Crystal Maiden's own spells.


  • hop distance:275

  • hop duration:0.3

  • clone duration:5

  • frostbite radius:450

  • anim delay:0.02

  • clone health:150

Cool Down


Mana Cost



Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+1s Frostbite Duration

+ 1.1 %

+300 Crystal Nova Damage

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+225 Attack Speed

+ 1.2 %

+50 Freezing Field Damage

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+100 Frostbite Cast Range

+ 0.7 %

-4s Crystal Nova Cooldown

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+100 Crystal Nova AoE

+ 0.5 %

+200 Health

Win Rate

Pick Rate


Try to hit both opponents with Crystal Nova and potentially secure the range creep at the same time.

Consider skilling Frostbite on level 2 for a kill attempt with your mana regen consumables.

Frostbite does more damage to creeps. Use it to farm big neutral creeps or enemy summons.

Crystal Nova provides vision so you can use it to scout pillars for wards and Roshan pit.

Avoid showing yourself at the start of the fight. Keep distance and spam Crystal Nova, Frostbite, and use items.

Don't rush with using Freezing Field in fights unless you can support it with Glimmer Cape.

Use portals to roam around the map and set up kills with your control spells.

Remember to use Boots of Bearing to gain movespeed during Freezing Field with Aghamins Scepter.

Get Aghanims Shard at the 15 minute mark as it gives you more mobility, lockdown and wave clear.

Counter Strategy

Crystal Maiden counters heroes that don't like to be rooted such as Ember Spirit, Void Spirit and Storm Spirit. Note that Frostbite is long-lasting and has a short cooldown.

Crystal Maiden is a vulnerable hero and one of the easiest to kill during the laning phase

Play on different sides of the lane with your coleague against Crystal Maiden such that you don't get hit both by Crystal Nova

Use moments when Crystal Maiden is away from her laning partner to land a kill on her, for example when she's pulling. Keeping her on low levels means that her team won't have high levels of Arcane Aura

Look to interrupt the Crystal Maiden Freezing Field in fights. She will try to protect herself with Glimmer Cape or BKB

Crystal Maiden's level 20 attack speed talent is good against specific heroes or abilities such as Supernova, Tombstone and Will-o-Wisp


Born in a temperate realm, raised with her fiery older sister Lina, Rylai the Crystal Maiden soon found that her innate elemental affinity to ice created trouble for all those around her. Wellsprings and mountain rivers froze in moments if she stopped to rest nearby; ripening crops were bitten by frost, and fruiting orchards turned to mazes of ice and came crashing down, spoiled. When their exasperated parents packed Lina off to the equator, Rylai found herself banished to the cold northern realm of Icewrack, where she was taken in by an Ice Wizard who had carved himself a hermitage at the crown of the Blueheart Glacier. After long study, the wizard pronounced her ready for solitary practice and left her to take his place, descending into the glacier to hibernate for a thousand years. Her mastery of the Frozen Arts has only deepened since that time, and now her skills are unmatched.

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