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Outworld Devourer

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Astral Imprisonment

Places a target unit into an astral prison. The hidden unit is invulnerable and disabled. When the astral prison implodes, it deals damage to the target and steals a percentage of their max mana.

  • AFFECTS:unit area


  • BUFF:yes

  • DEBUFF:yes

  • prison duration:1.75 / 2.5 / 3.25 / 4

  • damage:90 / 180 / 270 / 360

  • mana capacity steal:16 / 18 / 20 / 22

  • mana capacity duration:30 / 40 / 50 / 60

  • AbilityCastRange:650

Aghanim ScepterAghanim Shard

Aghanim`s Shard Upgrade

Grants additional Mana Capacity steal to Astral Imprisonment. Also allows allies to move at undefined movement speed during Astral Imprisonment (they are visible, but untargettable and can't perform any other actions).

  • mana capacity steal:5

  • allied movement speed pct:70

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+100 Astral Imprisonment Cast Range

Cool Down

18 / 16 / 14 / 12

Mana Cost