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Outworld Devourer

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Sanity's Eclipse

Unleashes a psychic blast that deals damage to enemies based on the difference between your mana and the target's mana. Sanity's Eclipse can hit units trapped by Astral Imprisonment. Deals bonus damage to illusions. Affected Heroes gain a Mana Allergy Debuff for 7 seconds, healing Outworld Destroyer every time they cast a spell.

  • AFFECTS:area


  • base damage:200 / 300 / 400

  • radius:450 / 525 / 600

  • cast range:700

  • damage multiplier:0.4

  • illusion bonus damage:200

  • debuff duration:7

  • percentage heal:150

Cool Down

160 / 145 / 130

Mana Cost

200 / 325 / 450