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Storm Spirit

Popularity: #49

Leaderboard: #87

Ban Rank: #37

KDA Rank: #18

Zips across the map to engage in fights

Storm Spirit is never one to miss a fight. Zipping from across the battlefield in a bolt of lightning, he strikes enemies from every direction with exploding remnants and charged attacks, then disappears while his enemies are still scrambling to react.

Win Rate 48.1%
Pick Rate 8.2%
storm spirit Image

462 +44/lvl

276 +46.8/lvl

Strength Image

21 +2/lvl

Agility Image

22 +2.6/lvl

Intelligence Image

23 +3.9/lvl



24 - 34 + 2.6/level (99.4 - 109.4 at level 30)






1 + 0.4/level (12.6 at level 30)














nuke icon

Shock Collar

Win Rate: 46.6%

Pick Rate: 36.9%

Electric Vortex applies a debuff that triggers an Overload Charge if they attack.

Electric Vortex

Electric Vortex applies a debuff to the enemy that lasts for 5s that triggers an Overload Charge if they attack.

movement icon

Static Slide

Win Rate: 49.0%

Pick Rate: 63.1%

Static Remnants spawn at Storm Spirit and move to the target position.

Static Remnant

Static Remnants spawn at Storm Spirit and move to the target position.






Innate Ability Image


Storm Spirit gains a charge of 0.2 mana regeneration per kill. Loses 3 charges per death. Leveling Ball Lightning gives Storm Spirit 3 bonus charges. Additionally every time he gains a charge he also gains 0.1 Mana Regen permanently.

RADIUS: 1200


Static Remnant

Creates an explosively charged image of Storm Spirit that lasts %abilityduration% seconds and will detonate and deal damage if an enemy unit comes near it.


  • static remnant radius:235

  • static remnant damage radius:300

  • static remnant delay:0.75

  • static remnant damage:100 / 160 / 220 / 280

  • static remnant vision radius day:100

  • static remnant vision radius night:100

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+60 Static Remnant Damage

Talent tree branch

-1.25s Static Remnant Cooldown

Cool Down


Mana Cost

70 / 80 / 90 / 100


Electric Vortex

A vortex that pulls an enemy unit to Storm Spirit's location.

  • AFFECTS:unit


  • DISPELLABLE:strong

  • DEBUFF:yes

  • electric vortex pull distance:180 / 220 / 260 / 300

  • electric vortex pull tether range:1200

  • electric vortex self slow:-50

  • electric vortex self slow duration:3

  • AbilityDuration:1.1 / 1.4 / 1.7 / 2

Aghanim ScepterAghanim Shard

Aghanim`s Scepter Upgrade

Electric Vortex affects all enemies within a radius around Storm Spirit.

    Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

    +0.3s Electric Vortex Duration

    Cool Down

    20 / 18 / 16 / 14

    Mana Cost

    60 / 70 / 80 / 90


    Casting a spell creates an electrical charge, which is released in a burst on Storm's next attack, dealing damage and slowing nearby enemies.

    • PASSIVE:Breakable

    • DISPELLABLE:basic

    • overload aoe:300

    • overload move slow:-80

    • overload attack slow:-80

    • overload damage:25 / 50 / 75 / 100

    Aghanim ScepterAghanim Shard

    Aghanim`s Shard Upgrade

    Can be activated to grant Storm Spirit and nearby allied heroes 3 Overload charges. Provides bonus Attack Speed. Lasts up to 12 seconds or until the charges are depleted.

      Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

      +150 Attack Range when Overloaded

      Talent tree branch

      2x Overload Attack Bounce


      Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

      2x Overload Attack Bounce

      + 3.3 %

      500 Distance Auto Remnant in Ball Lightning

      Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

      +0.3s Electric Vortex Duration

      + 0.6 %

      -1.25s Static Remnant Cooldown

      Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

      +60 Static Remnant Damage

      + 0.9 %

      +250 Health

      Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

      +1.5 Mana Regen

      + 2.8 %

      +150 Attack Range when Overloaded

      Win Rate

      Pick Rate


      Rune control is very important. Arcane and Regeneration runes can easily win you the fight or allow you to get a pick-off.

      Stack the nearest jungle camp and clear it after addressing lane creeps. It is very important to hit level 6 as soon as possible to make yourself less gankable.

      If you have a really good start, get Orchid as soon as possible. It will allow you to pick-off most of the heroes on the map.

      You can right-click and use spells and items during Ball Lightning, including teleport.

      Mana management is the key. The more mana you have the more damage you can do. Be high on mana if you expect a fight to break out.

      Don't spend all of your mana on initial jump. Preserve some to be able to disengage.

      When leaving the fountain, you can Ball Lightning beyond tier 4 towers while bottling and still be full mana.

      Target backliners. They are squishy and Storm has no issue gap-closing.

      Static Remnant provides flying vision around itself which can be useful to scout Roshan or rune spawn and give you vision in tree lines.

      Ball Lightning destroys trees in its path.

      Storm Spirit is one of the best Aegis/Cheese carriers as he utilizes the mana he gets back really well.

      Electric Vortex with Aghanim's Scepter ugrade becomes a really strong spell that imitates a Blackhole or Vaccuum. Make full use of it in fights to reposition enemies into you.

      In late game, you can fly over and kill the creeps that opponents are looking to push with.

      Counter Strategy

      Storm Spirit uses Static Remnant frequently. Magic Stick and Wand will be charged up.

      Control power runes against Storm. He likes to bottle and gank with those.

      Look to fight when Storm Spirit is low on mana as he won't be able to use Ball Lightning much.

      Be aware of Storm Spirit's Orchid timing. He can solo kill most heroes with it.

      Spells and items that provide instant disables and silences are great against Storm Spirit.

      Magic resistance and spell immunity items are great against Storm Spirit.

      Be quick on glyphing or piping the creepwave when pushing highground against Storm's Ball Lightning.


      Storm Spirit is literally a force of nature--the wild power of wind and weather, bottled in human form. And a boisterous, jovial, irrepressible form it is! As jolly as a favorite uncle, he injects every scene with crackling energy. But it was not always thus, and there was tragedy in his creation. Generations ago, in the plains beyond the Wailing Mountains, a good people lay starving in drought and famine. A simple elementalist, Thunderkeg by name, used a forbidden spell to summon the spirit of the storm, asking for rain. Enraged at this mortal's presumption, the Storm Celestial known as Raijin lay waste to the land, scouring it bare with winds and flood. Thunderkeg was no match for the Celestial--at least until he cast a suicidal spell that forged their fates into one: he captured the Celestial in the cage of his own body. Trapped together, Thunderkeg's boundless good humor fused with Raijin's crazed energy, creating the jovial Raijin Thunderkeg, a Celestial who walks the world in physical form.

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      A red and white logo with the word 'Dota Coach' in a stylized font.
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