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Witch Doctor

Popularity: #7

Leaderboard: #39

Ban Rank: #10

KDA Rank: #114

Channels a high damage death ward

Witch Doctor is whatever his team needs him to be. Whether aiding his team with gradual healing, stunning and cursing foes to ensure a kill, or destroying enemies himself with a dance by his mighty ultimate, few can match Witch Doctor's versatility.

Win Rate 51.1%
Pick Rate 18.8%
witch doctor Image

440 +46.2/lvl

264 +37.2/lvl

Strength Image

20 +2.1/lvl

Agility Image

13 +1.4/lvl

Intelligence Image

22 +3.1/lvl



26 - 36 + 1.4/level (66.6 - 76.6 at level 30)






0 + 0.2/level (5.8 at level 30)














ricochet icon


Win Rate: 53.7%

Pick Rate: 54.1%

Paralyzing Cask deals more damage each bounce.

Paralyzing Cask

Paralyzing Cask deals more damage each bounce.



nuke icon

Voodoo Festeration

Win Rate: 47.6%

Pick Rate: 35.5%

Voodoo Restoration deals damage to enemies. No longer heals.

Voodoo Restoration

Voodoo Restoration deals damage to enemies and only heals Witch Doctor.







death_ward icon

Cleft Death

Win Rate: 49.5%

Pick Rate: 10.3%

Death Ward attacks multiple targets with reduced damage.

Death Ward

Death Ward attacks 1 targets at once with reduced damage.




Innate Ability Image


Witch Doctor gets a Gris-Gris, an item that cannot be dropped or placed in the backpack. When the owner dies, 100% of the gold lost from death is added to the item, and will be refunded when the item is consumed. The value of the Gris-Gris is increased by 1 every 3s. Right-click to consume and permanently remove the item.


Paralyzing Cask

Launches a cask of paralyzing powder that ricochets between enemy units, stunning and damaging those it hits. Deals 150 damage to creeps.

  • AFFECTS:unit


  • DISPELLABLE:strong

  • DEBUFF:yes

  • hero duration:0.8

  • creep duration:0.8

  • base damage:50

  • bounce range:575 / 575 / 575 / 575

  • bounces:2 / 4 / 6 / 8

  • speed:1200

  • bounce delay:0.1

  • creep damage pct:150

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+2 Cask Bounces

Cool Down

20 / 18 / 16 / 14

Mana Cost

80 / 100 / 120 / 140


Voodoo Restoration

Witch Doctor focuses his magic to heal nearby allied units, costing Witch Doctor mana every second Voodoo Restoration is active.


  • mana per second:8 / 12 / 16 / 20

  • radius:500 / 550 / 600 / 650

  • heal:20 / 30 / 40 / 50

  • heal interval:0.33 / 0.33 / 0.33 / 0.33

  • does heal all allies:1

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

-25% Voodoo Restoration Mana Per Second

Mana Cost

35 / 40 / 45 / 50



Curses all enemy Heroes in a small area, causing them to take a set amount of damage each second, as well as bursts of damage every 4 seconds based on how much health they have lost since the curse began.

  • AFFECTS:area


  • radius:200

  • bonus damage:16 / 24 / 32 / 40

  • bonus damage threshold:100

  • ticks:3

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+100 Maledict AoE

Talent tree branch

+30% Maledict Burst Damage

Cool Down

30 / 26 / 22 / 18

Mana Cost

105 / 110 / 115 / 120


Death Ward

CHANNELED - Summons a deadly ward to attack enemy heroes within its attack range. Lasts a maximum of 8 seconds. Death Ward has 50 bonus accuracy.


  • damage:60 / 95 / 130

  • attack range tooltip:600

  • bounce radius:650 / 650 / 650

  • bonus accuracy:50

  • initial target count:1

Aghanim ScepterAghanim Shard

Aghanim`s Scepter Upgrade

Death Ward attacks bounce between nearby enemies.

    Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

    +75 Death Ward Attack Range

    Talent tree branch

    +45 Death Ward Damage

    Cool Down

    100 / 90 / 80

    Mana Cost

    200 / 200 / 200

    Voodoo Switcheroo

    Turns Witch Doctor into a Death Ward briefly with reduced attack speed. He is hidden during this time.

    • PASSIVE:No

    • duration:3

    • attack speed reduction:45

    Cool Down


    Mana Cost



    Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

    +2% Target Max Health Voodoo Restoration Heal

    + 3.1 %

    +45 Death Ward Damage

    Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

    +30% Maledict Burst Damage

    + 0.1 %

    +75 Death Ward Attack Range

    Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

    +2 Cask Bounces

    + 1.3 %

    +100 Maledict AoE

    Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

    -25% Voodoo Restoration Mana Per Second

    + 0.7 %

    +200 Health

    Win Rate

    Pick Rate


    Use Paralyzing Cask to secure ranged creep and harass the opponents at the same time.

    If you did not take the Voodoo Festeration facet, consider investing a point in Voodoo Restoration on tough lanes.

    With the Voodoo Festeration facet, level 2 Voodoo Restoration is a big damage powerspike for the Witch Doctor. Communicate with laning partner to go for a kill.

    Witch Doctor has one of the highest kill potential at level 6 and you can even solo some heroes.

    You can toggle Voodoo Restoration on and off while channeling Death Ward or teleporting.

    Don't show yourself at the start of the fight as you are squishy. Let opponents clump up and focus on your allies.

    In the fights, make sure that Paralyzing Cask bounces and at least one opponent is Maledicted.

    Pick up Aghanim's Shard around minute 15 as it has a combination of defensive and offensive traits.

    In the late game, you can pump in a decent amount of damage with Aghanim's Scepter upgrade to Death Ward.

    With the Voodoo Festeration facet, when not much is happening in the game, you can quickly farm creep waves and jungle camps with maxed out Voodoo Restoration.

    Counter Strategy

    Don't clump up because of Witch Doctor's Paralyzing Cask.

    Witch Doctor is a strong laner, especially when he gets a second point in Voodoo Restoration with his Voodoo Festeration facet.

    Witch Doctor can solo kill most heroes with Death Ward. Track his movements on the map.

    Be aware of Witch Doctor's Aghanim's Scepter purchase. Focus him in the fights or cancel his Ulti.


    A wiry silhouette hitches forward--uneven of feature and limb, bizarre of gait, relentlessly criss-crossing the battlefield in search of that vital weak point where his talents can do most good, and most harm. Whether broken or mismade it is not clear, but still, none can doubt the power carried in his twisted physique. A long staff thumps the earth as Zharvakko the Witch Doctor advances, deploying a terrifying arsenal of fetishes, hexes and spells. It is a body of magical knowledge learned and perfected over several lifetimes in the island highlands of Arktura, now wielded with precision accuracy against his enemies. Zharvakko can be your best friend or your worst enemy--healing allies and laying waste to all who oppose him.

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    A red and white logo with the word 'Dota Coach' in a stylized font.
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