A red and white logo with the word 'Dota Coach' in a stylized font.
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Popularity: #90

Leaderboard: #96

Ban Rank: #85

KDA Rank: #91

Can prevent a single enemy from casting spells or healing in any way

One way or another, Doom shuts down his enemies. Devouring creeps to claim the various skills they had in life, he can place a lingering silence upon a foe's spells and items with his ultimate as he torches his foes.

Win Rate 47.4%
Pick Rate 4.2%
doom Image

528 +83.6/lvl

180 +20.4/lvl

Strength Image

24 +3.8/lvl

Agility Image

15 +1.5/lvl

Intelligence Image

15 +1.7/lvl



32 - 42 + 1.5/level (75.5 - 85.5 at level 30)






2 + 0.3/level (10.7 at level 30)














meat icon


Win Rate: 47.4%

Pick Rate: 88.3%

Devour now has 2 charges and stolen creep abilities are upgraded by one level.


Devour now has 2 charges and stolen creep abilities are upgraded by one level.

gold icon

Devil's Bargain

Win Rate: 46.9%

Pick Rate: 11.7%

Doom can sell items for %bonus_item_sellback_percent%% of their value, but his buyback costs are increased by %bonus_buyback_penalty%%.


Innate Ability Image

Lvl ? Pain

Doom's attacks deal 15% bonus damage to heroes whose level is lower than Doom's level.



Consumes an enemy or neutral creep, acquiring any special abilities that it possessed. If alt-cast is deactivated, Doom will not acquire the creep's abilities. Duration is equal to the cooldown.

  • AFFECTS:unit


  • BUFF:yes

  • bonus gold:40 / 80 / 120 / 160

  • creep level:4 / 5 / 6 / 6

  • hero ability steal time:99999

  • AbilityChargeRestoreTime:90

Aghanim ScepterAghanim Shard

Aghanim`s Shard Upgrade

Allows Devour to be cast on enemy heroes, reducing their maximum health by 15% for the duration of the devour and provides Doom with a passive basic ability they have.

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

Devour grants 15% Magic Resistance

Cool Down


Mana Cost

40 / 50 / 60 / 70


Scorched Earth

Carpets the nearby earth in flames which damage enemies, while also granting him increased movement speed.


  • damage per second:20 / 35 / 50 / 65

  • radius:600 / 600 / 600 / 600

  • bonus movement speed pct:7 / 8 / 9 / 10

  • duration:10 / 12 / 14 / 16

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+10 Scorched Earth Damage

Talent tree branch

+5% Scorched Earth Movement Speed

Cool Down

41 / 39 / 37 / 35

Mana Cost

60 / 70 / 80 / 90


Infernal Blade

Doom swings his burning sword, igniting the enemy. Stuns for 0.6 seconds and applies a 4 second burn that deals a base damage plus a percentage of the target's Max HP as damage per second.

  • AFFECTS:unit



  • DEBUFF:yes

  • burn damage:20 / 30 / 40 / 50

  • burn damage pct:1 / 2 / 3 / 4

  • burn duration:4

  • ministun duration:0.6

Aghanim ScepterAghanim Shard

Aghanim`s Shard Upgrade

Infernal Blade stun duration is increased. If the enemy's level is a multiple of 3, or above level 24, they will be stunned for a longer duration and take bonus damage.

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+2.5% Infernal Blade Max HP As Damage

Cool Down

13 / 10 / 7 / 4

Mana Cost




Inflicts a curse that dispels an enemy Hero and prevents them from casting spells or healing in any way, while taking damage over time. DISPEL TYPE: Basic Dispel

  • AFFECTS:unit


  • duration:12 / 14 / 16

  • damage:30 / 50 / 70

  • deniable pct:25 / 25 / 25

Aghanim ScepterAghanim Shard

Aghanim`s Scepter Upgrade

Allies in a 300 radius around the doomed target also suffer the effects of Doom. Allows Doom to be self-cast to affect enemies around himself with Doom.

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

Doom applies Mute

Talent tree branch

Doom applies Break

Cool Down

140 / 130 / 120

Mana Cost

150 / 225 / 300


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

Doom applies Mute

+ 1.7 %

Doom applies Break

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

-10s Scorched Earth Cooldown

+ 2.6 %

+2.5% Infernal Blade Max HP As Damage

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+5% Scorched Earth Movement Speed

+ 0.8 %

Devour Can Target Ancients

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+10 Scorched Earth Damage

+ 1.8 %

Devour grants 15% Magic Resistance

Win Rate

Pick Rate


Bonus gold from Devour is granted at the end of the Devour cycle and you will lose it if you die.

Once you get Blink Dagger, try to make use of it immediately before your opponents see it in your inventory.

Usually you want to devour Centaur Conqueror and obtain War Stomp to disable opponents after blink and cast Doom.

Avoid showing yourself at the start of the fight and wait for your Doom target to show.

Avoid fighting while Doom is on cooldown. Push out lanes or play defensively.

Check opponents' inventories for Linken's Spheres and Lotus Orbs. Be careful not to drop Doom on those.

Look to use Devour as frequently as possible on lane creeps or neutral creeps to keep getting gold and XP.

Counter Strategy

Doom is a weak laner at lower levels. Pressure him early on.

The Doom spell has long cooldown. Look to play aggressively when it is down.

Linken's Sphere, status resistance items and Lotus Orb are good at dealing with The Doom spell.

Acquiring Aegis for your core is a good way of dealing with The Doom spell. Look to kill Roshan.

Until Dooms level 25 mute talent, you can still use your own items to kite or escape while Doomed.


He that burns and is not consumed, devours and is never sated, kills and is beyond all judgment--Lucifer brings doom to all who would stand against him. Bearing away souls on the tip of a fiery sword, he is the Fallen One, a once-favored general from the realm behind the light, cast out for the sin of defiance: he would not kneel. Six times his name was tolled from the great bell of Vashundol. Six and sixty times his wings were branded, until only smoking stumps remained. Without wings, he slipped loose from the tethers that bound him within the light and he fell screaming to earth. A crater in the desert, Paradise lost. Now he attacks without mercy, without motive, the only living being able to move freely between the seven dark dominions. Lashed by inescapable needs, twisted by unimaginable talents, Doom carries his own hell with him wherever he goes. Defiant to the last. Eventually, the world will belong to Doom.

Dota Coach logo
A red and white logo with the word 'Dota Coach' in a stylized font.
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