Summons powerful serpent wards to deal damage
Shadow Shaman quickly clears the way for his team's forces to march on the enemy base. Blasting enemies with shocking spells and interrupting attackers with hexes, his powerful serpent wards destroy enemy defenses with ease.
Win Rate 52.7%
Pick Rate 16.7%

560 +50.6/lvl
375 +42.0/lvl

20 +2.3/lvl

16 +1.6/lvl

25 +3.5/lvl

65 - 72 + 3.5/level (180.5 - 187.5 at level 30)


5.7 + 0.3/level (15.7 at level 30)

Cluster Cluck
Hex can turn allies into a flock of chickens, removing other negative effects.
Chicken Fingers
Win Rate: 52.8%
Pick Rate: 93.5%

Chicken Fingers
Massive Serpent Ward
Win Rate: 50.4%
Pick Rate: 6.5%
Summons a single massive Serpent Ward with {s:bonus_mega_ward_multiplier_tooltip}x damage and bounty values and {s:bonus_mega_ward_health_tooltip}x health.

Mass Serpent Ward
Summons a single massive Serpent Ward with =10x damage and bounty values and =10x health.

When taking lethal damage, Shadow Shaman receives a strong dispel and survives as a 1 HP chicken. Incoming damage is reduced to zero for undefineds.
Cooldown is reset upon respawning.
DISPEL TYPE: Strong Dispel
Lethal Damage from Axe's Culling Blade and Necrophos's Reaper's Scythe will not be prevented.
Incoming damage reduction buff will prevent certain sources of HP removal from killing Shadow Shaman.

PATCH 7.38
Now upgraded with Aghanim's Shard
Increases damage reduction duration to 1.5s and adds a 0.1s invulnerability time before it. Upon triggering Fowl Play, 3 uncontrollable chicken illusions will spawn and try to confuse enemies. They exist for 3s and either stand still or run. Also allows Shadow Shaman to use items while transformed

Ether Shock
Creates a cone of ethereal energy that strikes multiple enemy units.
TARGETS: 3 / 5 / 7 / 9
DAMAGE: 140 / 200 / 260 / 320

14 / 12 / 10 / 8

90 / 105 / 120 / 135


- +250 Ether Shock Damage

Transforms an enemy unit into a harmless creature, disabling their attacks and abilities.

24 / 20 / 16 / 12

130 / 150 / 170 / 190


CHANNELED - Magically binds an enemy unit so that it cannot move or attack, absorbing their life energy over time.
TOTAL DAMAGE/HEAL: 70 / 140 / 210 / 280
MAX DURATION: 2.4 / 3 / 3.6 / 4.2

13 / 12 / 11 / 10

125 / 140 / 155 / 170


- +170 Shackles Total Damage
- +1.5s Shackles Duration

Chicken Fingers
Your next attack on an enemy hero transform them into a chicken for 1s.


Mass Serpent Ward
Summons 10 Serpent Wards to attack enemy units and structures. The Wards are immune to magic.


200 / 350 / 550


- +160 Serpent Wards Attack Range
- +50% Serpent Wards Max HP
- +1 Ward Attack Targets

+1 Ward Attack Targets
+ 3.2 %
+250 Ether Shock Damage

+n/a% Serpent Wards Max HP
+1.5s Shackles Duration
+ 1.9 %

Hex Breaks
+ 0.1 %
+160 Serpent Wards Attack Range

+1.75 Mana Regen
+ 2.9 %
+170 Shackles Total Damage
Win Rate
Pick Rate
Make use of Shadow Shaman's high base damage to secure last hits and denies.
A good Combo is to use Hex followed by Mass Serpent Ward with Shackles.
You can pull nearby neutral or lane creeps to your Mass Serpent Wards after you made a move to get some extra gold.
If opponents are farming your Mass Serpent Wards, try to deny individual Serpent Wards with other Serpent Wards if you have the Cluster Cluck facet.
Take your time to farm up Aether Lens or Blink Dagger, so that you can cast you spells more easily in fights.
Initiate on enemies with your long lasting disables, so your allies can follow-up for a kill.
In certain games, Black King Bar can be great to get off full Shackles durations.
Aghanim's Scepter and a Refresher Orb in late game allow you to breach high ground and end the game.
Use portals to move around the map and setup kills with your lengthy disables.
With the Cluster Cluck facet, look to Hex yourself when low on HP right before or after your Fowl Play innate triggers to cause massive confusion and possibly get away.
Counter Strategy
Shadow Shaman has high base damage and a great nuke in Ether Shock. Avoid trading with him.
Shadow Shaman has long lasting stuns but short cast range disables. Keep distance from him.
Shadow Shaman has high solo kill potential on level 6 with Mass Serpent Ward.
Shadow Shaman takes buildings down fast with Mass Serpent Ward. Organize defense quickly.
Focus Shadow Shaman in the fights as he provides a lot of control for his team.
Black King Bar, status resistance items, Linken's Sphere and Lotus Orb are great against Shadow Shaman.
Shadow Shaman is good at ratting your base especially with Aghanim's Scepter and Refresher Orb.
Shadow Shaman does not die and turns into a chicken when hit with lethal damage. You will have to deal the killing blow on him again afterwards.
Born in the Bleeding Hills, Rhasta was just a starving youngling when picked up by a travelling con-man. For two pins of copper, the old con-man would tell your fortune. For three, he'd castrate your pig, for five, he'd circumcise your sons. For a good meal, he'd don his shaman garb, read from his ancient books, and lay a curse upon your enemies. His strange new youngling, part hill troll, part...something else, worked as assistant and lent an air of the exotic to the con-man's trade.
Always one step ahead of cheated customers, one town ahead of a pursuing patronage, the two trekked across the blighted lands until one day the con-man realized that the little youngling could actually do what he only pretended at. His ward had a gift--a gift that customers valued. And so the youngling Rhasta was thrust before the crowds, and the trade-name Shadow Shaman was born. The two continued from town to town, conjuring for money as Shadow Shaman's reputation grew. Eventually, the pair's duplicitous past caught up with them, and they were ambushed by a mob of swindled ex-clients. The con-man was slain, and for the first time, Rhasta used his powers for darkness, massacring the attackers. He buried his beloved master, and now uses his powers to destroy any who would seek to do him harm.