Boots of Bearing


Main shop

Resplendent footwear fashioned for the ancient herald that first dared spread the glory of Stonehall beyond the original borders of its nascent claim.
You think your fast? waint until i hit turbo..uhm? Enough of the introduction boots of bearing is here!
Base Combat Stats
+ 8 Strength
+ 8 Intelligence

+ 65 Movement Speed

+ 15 Health Regeneration

Active: Endurance
Gives +50 attack speed and +15% movement speed to nearby allies for 6 seconds. For the first 1.5 seconds allies are immune to slows.
Radius: 1200
Cooldown: 30
Passive: Swiftness Aura
Grants 20 movement speed to allies.
Radius: 1200
Additional Insights
The statistics below shows the percentage of hero builds which contain Boots of Bearing as a core or non-core item for each role. These statistics are based on our
.Itemization Strategy
Combining tranquil and drums of endurance together to build this lovely item is a pretty big represantation of your supports wealth as this generally inclined to be their item build as this doesnt give much of scaling reliability for cores unless like i said earlier is he's playing a utility kind of role.