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Bounty Hunter

Popularity: #57

Leaderboard: #42

Ban Rank: #40

KDA Rank: #76

Loots and collects bounties off of his enemies

Sneaking invisibly at the heels of his enemies, Bounty Hunter is always keeping track of his foes. Whenever one of his targets falls in battle, he and his allies stand to make quite a profit.

Win Rate 50.9%
Pick Rate 7.5%
bounty hunter Image

418 +55/lvl

264 +22.8/lvl

Strength Image

19 +2.5/lvl

Agility Image

21 +2.6/lvl

Intelligence Image

22 +1.9/lvl



33 - 41 + 2.6/level (108.4 - 116.4 at level 30)






5 + 0.4/level (16.6 at level 30)














nuke icon

Through and Through

Win Rate: 51.6%

Pick Rate: 56.4%

Shuriken Toss applies its damage and slow to all enemies it passes through.

Shuriken Toss

Shuriken Toss applies its damage and slow to all enemies it passes through.

gold icon


Win Rate: 50.0%

Pick Rate: 43.6%

Bounty Hunter steals gold when targeting enemy heroes with his abilities or items.




Innate Ability Image

Big Game Hunter

When getting a kill or assist on an enemy that has a killing streak, Bounty Hunter receives 10% extra gold.


Shuriken Toss

Hurls a deadly shuriken at an enemy unit, dealing damage and slowing the target's Movement Speed by 100% for 0.35s. The shuriken will bounce to any Tracked units who are within a 1200 radius of each other.

  • AFFECTS:unit


  • bonus damage:100 / 170 / 240 / 310

  • speed:1000 / 1000 / 1000 / 1000

  • bounce aoe:1200

  • slow duration:0.35

  • cast range:375 / 425 / 475 / 525

  • movement slow:100

Aghanim ScepterAghanim Shard

Aghanim`s Scepter Upgrade

Increases cast range and applies Jinada on hit.

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+0.65s Shuriken Toss Slow

Talent tree branch

+275 Shuriken Toss Damage

Cool Down


Mana Cost

65 / 70 / 75 / 80


Bounty Hunter plans his next hit, dealing bonus damage and stealing some unreliable gold.

  • AFFECTS:unit

  • PASSIVE:Breakable

  • bonus damage:60 / 100 / 140 / 180

  • gold steal:12 / 20 / 28 / 36

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+30 Jinada Damage

Talent tree branch

+50 Jinada Gold Steal

Talent tree branch

No Cooldown on Jinada

Cool Down

9 / 7 / 5 / 3


Shadow Walk

Bounty Hunter becomes invisible and gains the ability to move through other units until he attacks or uses an ability. If he breaks the invisibility with an attack, that attack will stun the target for a short duration.


  • BUFF:yes

  • duration:20 / 25 / 30 / 35

  • fade time:1 / 0.75 / 0.5 / 0.25

  • stun duration:0.8 / 1 / 1.2 / 1.4

  • AbilityChargeRestoreTime:15 / 14 / 13 / 12

  • ally fade time:1

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

-30% Damage Taken in Shadow Walk

Cool Down

18 / 17 / 16 / 15

Mana Cost




Tracks an enemy hero, granting True Sight of the target, increasing the damage they take and providing information on how much gold it is carrying. Bounty Hunter moves fast when near the tracked unit. If the target dies, Bounty Hunter and nearby heroes collect a bonus bounty of gold. Casting Track does not take you out of invisibility.

  • AFFECTS:unit



  • DEBUFF:yes

  • target damage amp:6 / 12 / 18

  • bonus gold radius:1200

  • bonus gold self:130 / 225 / 320

  • bonus gold:40 / 80 / 120

  • duration:25

  • gold steal:0.3 / 0.4 / 0.5

  • bonus move speed pct:16 / 20 / 24

Aghanim ScepterAghanim Shard

Aghanim`s Shard Upgrade

Allows Track to be ground targeted, creating a Bear Trap. After 3 seconds, the trap becomes invisible and active. Walking over the trap applies Track. Traps have 400 vision. Max Traps: 8. Ground targeting with Track has bonus 1200 range.

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+45 Track Gold

Cool Down

6 / 5 / 4

Mana Cost


Friendly Shadow

Applies Shadow Walk and all of its bonuses to the target ally. Allied fade time is 1s. Does not break Bounty Hunter's invisibility when cast.

  • AFFECTS:unit


  • BUFF:yes

  • fade time:1

Cool Down


Mana Cost



Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+275 Shuriken Toss Damage

+ 2.3 %

No Cooldown on Jinada

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

Track Grants Shared Vision

+ 0.8 %

+50 Jinada Gold Steal

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+45 Track Gold

+ 0.5 %

-30% Damage Taken in Shadow Walk

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+0.65s Shuriken Toss Slow

+ 1.9 %

+30 Jinada Damage

Win Rate

Pick Rate


Place a non-obvious courier sniping Observer Ward. Killing couriers not only grants gold but also disallows detection to be delivered.

Hit opponents with Jinada or secure range creep last hits. The bonus damage does not work on denies.

Check frequently opponents' inventories for detection.

If you get dusted while in Shadow Walk, use any activatable item or Shuriken Toss to leave invisibility and your won't be slowed by dust.

Avoid running by spots that are typically sentried like pillars and active rune spots.

In mid to late game, play ahead of your teammates, track opponents, break smokes, collect runes, place deep wards and snipe couriers.

Counter Strategy

Bring a Sentry Ward to the lane to not let Bounty Hunter close the gap on you from the invisibility of Shadow Walk.

Bounty Hunter tends to snipe couriers, so be mindful about that.

Don't make it easy for Bounty Hunter to steal your gold with Jinada hits. Step away or damage him heavily.

Pair observer wards with sentries to spot Bounty Hunter's movements.

Encourage your allies to carry detection on multiple heroes.

Avoid buying items that grant you invisibility because of Bounty Hunter's Track.

Consider buying one of many items that allow you to dispel Track.


When the hunted tell tales of Gondar the Bounty Hunter, none are sure of which are true. In whispered tones they say he was abandoned as a kit, learning his skill in tracking as a matter of simple survival. Others hear he was an orphan of war, taken in by the great Soruq the Hunter to learn the master's skill with a blade as they plumbed the dark forests for big game. Still others believe he was a lowly street urchin raised among a guild of cutpurses and thieves, trained in the arts of stealth and misdirection. Around campfires in the wild countryside his quarry speaks the rumors of Gondar's work, growing ever more fearful: they say it was he who tracked down the tyrant King Goff years after the mad regent went into hiding, delivering his head and scepter as proof. That it was he who infiltrated the rebel camps at Highseat, finally bringing the legendary thief White Cape to be judged for his crimes. And that it was he who ended the career of Soruq the Hunter, condemned as a criminal for killing the Prince's prized hellkite. The tales of Gondar's incredible skill stretch on, with each daring feat more unbelievable than the last, each target more elusive. For the right price, the hunted know, anyone can be found. For the right price, even the mightiest may find fear in the shadows.

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A red and white logo with the word 'Dota Coach' in a stylized font.
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