A red and white logo with the word 'Dota Coach' in a stylized font.
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Popularity: #15

Leaderboard: #90

Ban Rank: #7

KDA Rank: #18

Picks off his enemies from afar

Death from a distance is Sniper's specialty. He keeps his enemies on their toes with a steady barrage of firepower, and then, when the time is right, picks them off with a kill shot.

Win Rate 47.7%
Pick Rate 15.6%
sniper Image

418 +44/lvl

180 +31.2/lvl

Strength Image

19 +2/lvl

Agility Image

27 +3.2/lvl

Intelligence Image

15 +2.6/lvl



13 - 19 + 3.2/level (105.8 - 111.8 at level 30)






-1 + 0.5/level (13.5 at level 30)














vision icon

Ghillie Suit

Win Rate: 48.6%

Pick Rate: 72.3%

While Take Aim is active, Sniper's attacks do not reveal him from fog of war.

Take Aim

While Take Aim is active, Sniper's attacks do not reveal him from fog of war.

nuke icon


Win Rate: 45.5%

Pick Rate: 27.7%

Shrapnel slow and damage are increased, but duration is decreased.


Shrapnel slow and damage are increased, but duration is decreased.








Innate Ability Image

Keen Scope

Increases Sniper's attack range.

ATTACK RANGE BONUS: 160/240/320/400



Consumes a charge to launch a ball of shrapnel that showers the target area in explosive pellets. Enemies are subject to damage and slowed movement. Reveals the targeted area. Shrapnel charges restore every %abilitychargerestoretime% seconds.

  • AFFECTS:area


  • AbilityChargeRestoreTime:35

  • slow movement speed:-12 / -18 / -24 / -30

  • radius:400 / 425 / 450 / 475

  • shrapnel damage:25 / 40 / 55 / 70

  • duration:10

  • damage delay:1.2

  • slow duration:2

  • AbilityCharges:3

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+10% Shrapnel Movement Slow

Talent tree branch

-30s Shrapnel Charge Restore Time

Mana Cost



Sniper increases his accuracy, giving him a chance to deal extra damage and knock back his enemies. Knockback distance increases based on how close the enemy is to Sniper. Headshots briefly slow enemy movement and attack speed by -100%.

  • PASSIVE:Breakable

  • damage:20 / 50 / 80 / 110

  • proc chance:40

  • knockback distance:50

  • movement slow:-100

  • slow duration:0.5

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+30 Headshot Damage

Talent tree branch

+50 Max Headshot Knockback Distance


Take Aim

Increases armor, Headshot chance, and attack range. Slows you by 65% for the duration.


  • DEBUFF:yes

  • duration:3

  • movement slow:65

  • headshot chance:100

  • active attack range bonus:200

  • bonus armor:5 / 10 / 15 / 20

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+1s Take Aim Duration

Talent tree branch

+15 Take Aim Armor

Cool Down

20 / 18 / 16 / 14

Mana Cost




Sniper locks onto a target enemy unit and, after a short aiming duration, fires a devastating shot that deals Sniper's attack damage plus bonus damage at long range and mini-stuns the target. Whenever Sniper kills an enemy hero, Assassinate is refreshed.

  • AFFECTS:unit


  • DEBUFF:yes

  • projectile speed:2500 / 2500 / 2500

  • cooldown reduction on kill:0 / 5 / 10

Aghanim ScepterAghanim Shard

Aghanim`s Scepter Upgrade

Causes Assassinate to fire quicker and stun the enemy target.

Cool Down

20 / 15 / 10

Mana Cost


Concussive Grenade

Launches a grenade at the target area, dealing damage to enemies and knocking them and Sniper himself back. Enemies affected are disarmed and have their movement slowed after the knockback.

  • AFFECTS:area



  • DEBUFF:yes

  • damage:200

  • AbilityCastRange:600

  • radius:375

  • movement slow:50

  • debuff duration:3

  • knockback height:100

  • knockback distance:475

  • knockback duration:0.4

  • self push:1

Cool Down


Mana Cost



Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

-30s Shrapnel Charge Restore Time

+ 0.9 %

+50 Max Headshot Knockback Distance

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+15 Take Aim Armor

+ 0.6 %

+100 Attack Range

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+30 Attack Speed

+ 1.4 %

+1s Take Aim Duration

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+30 Headshot Damage

+ 2.3 %

+10% Shrapnel Movement Slow

Win Rate

Pick Rate


Sniper gets easily ganked, always have an Observer Ward placed and pay attention to the minimap.

Push out the lane with Shrapnel prior to rune spawns.

Look to stack the nearby big jungle camp with Shrapnel whenever you can.

Sniper doesn't like to rotate too much, so focus on farming and pressure the tower if opponents' mid rotates.

Don't let opponents see you at the start of a fight. Let them focus on someone else.

If you feel you might be ganked, Shrapnel the wave and move out.

Sniper is really strong at defending buildings with Shrapnel and his long attack range.

When in trouble, often times the correct play is to press Take Aim and stand your ground.

Aghanim's Scepter and Aghanim's Shard are Core items. Take your time in between the fights to farm them.

Counter Strategy

Gank Sniper in early game. He doesn't have any escape mechanism and is very squishy

Buy gap-closing items against Sniper

Smoke of Deceit can be used to dodge Sniper's Assassinate ability

Use Smoke of Deceit to wrap around and catch Sniper off-guard

Deep observer wards allow you to spot Sniper on the backlines

Be very careful when pushing high-ground against Sniper. Chip the tower and racks patiently and don't overextend. You might also want to give up on the high-ground siege and take a fight outside of their base


Kardel Sharpeye was born deep in the mountains of Knollen where, since time immemorial, Keen Folk have survived by hunting the strange, cliff-dwelling steepstalkers above their village, shooting them from a distance and collecting the carcasses where they fell. Sharpeye was among the best of these strange mountain keens for whom projectile weapons are but another appendage, and to shoot is as natural as to touch. On his day of summoning, when he was to gain full standing in his village, Sharpeye took the ancient test: a single shot from the valley floor to strike a beast down from the cliffs. To miss was to be dishonored. With his entire village standing vigil, Sharpeye took his shot. A steepstalker fell; the crowd cheered. But when the carcass was collected, the village grew silent, for the elders found that the bullet had pierced its glittering central eye then fallen to be clenched in the steepstalker's mandibles. This ominous sign was the literal opening of a dark prophecy, foretelling both greatness and exile for the gunman who made such a shot. Sharpeye the Sniper was thus, by his own skill, condemned to make his way apart from his people--and unwelcome back among them until he has fulfilled the remainder of the prophecy by attaining legendary stature on a field of battle.

Dota Coach logo
A red and white logo with the word 'Dota Coach' in a stylized font.
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