A red and white logo with the word 'Dota Coach' in a stylized font.
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Popularity: #111

Leaderboard: #118

Ban Rank: #115

KDA Rank: #114

Transforms into a powerful ranged demon

With Terrorblade, nothing is as it seems. Conjuring powerful illusions to confuse enemies and break their defenses, the demon marauder can exchange health with foes and friends to stave off death or weaken his enemies.

Win Rate 44.5%
Pick Rate 2.3%
terrorblade Image

396 +44/lvl

228 +19.2/lvl

Strength Image

18 +2/lvl

Agility Image

22 +4/lvl

Intelligence Image

19 +1.6/lvl



28 - 34 + 4/level (144 - 150 at level 30)






5 + 0.7/level (25.3 at level 30)














twin_hearts icon


Win Rate: 44.9%

Pick Rate: 82.9%

There is no minimum health threshold for Sundered enemies.


There is no minimum health threshold for Sundered enemies.

illusion icon

Soul Fragment

Win Rate: 42.9%

Pick Rate: 17.1%

Conjure Image illusions always spawn at full health, but has an additional health cost.

Conjure Image

Conjure Image illusions always spawn at full health, but has an additional health cost.




Innate Ability Image

Dark Unity

Illusions under Terrorblade's control that are within range receive a damage bonus. Illusions outside of the range receive a damage penalty.

RADIUS: 1200





Terrorblade brings forth an invulnerable dark reflection of all enemy heroes in a target area. Affected enemy heroes have movement and attack speeds slowed and attacked by their reflection.

  • AFFECTS:area



  • DEBUFF:yes

  • AbilityManaCost:35 / 40 / 45 / 50

  • illusion duration:5

  • illusion outgoing damage:-60 / -40 / -20 / 0

  • illusion outgoing tooltip:40 / 60 / 80 / 100

  • move slow:15 / 20 / 25 / 30

  • attack slow:15 / 20 / 25 / 30

  • range:400

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

-4s Reflection Cooldown

Talent tree branch

+10% Reflection Slow/Damage

Cool Down

23 / 20 / 17 / 14


Conjure Image

Creates an illusion of Terrorblade that deals damage.


  • illusion duration:34

  • illusion outgoing damage:-70 / -60 / -50 / -40

  • illusion outgoing tooltip:30 / 40 / 50 / 60

  • illusion incoming damage:175

  • illusion incoming damage total tooltip:275

  • show particle effect:1

  • appear as illusion:1

  • AbilityManaCost:55 / 65 / 75 / 85

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+10% Conjure Image Damage

Talent tree branch

+10s Conjure Image Duration

Cool Down




Terrorblade transforms into a powerful demon with a ranged attack. Any of Terrorblade's illusions that are within 1200 range will also be transformed by Metamorphosis.


  • duration:35 / 40 / 45 / 50

  • transformation time:0.35

  • base attack time:1.5

  • bonus range:300 / 340 / 380 / 420

  • tooltip attack range:450 / 490 / 530 / 570

  • bonus damage:30 / 40 / 50 / 60

  • metamorph aura tooltip:1200

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

-20s Metamorphosis Cooldown

Talent tree branch

+30s Metamorphosis Duration

Cool Down

155 / 150 / 145 / 140

Mana Cost




Severs the life from both Terrorblade and a target hero, exchanging a percentage of both units' current health. Some health points must remain.

  • AFFECTS:unit


  • hit point minimum pct:35 / 30 / 25

  • ignore minimum pct for enemies tooltip:1

Cool Down

120 / 80 / 40

Mana Cost

100 / 75 / 50

Demon Zeal

Costs part of Terrorblade's current HP to cast, providing Terrorblade and nearby illusions bonus movement, HP Regen and attack speed. Reflection illusions gain 50 of the bonuses. Can't be cast while in Metamorphosis and Metamorphosis will remove Demon Zeal


  • berserk bonus attack speed:100

  • berserk bonus movement speed:100

  • duration:30

  • hp regen:20

  • radius:1200

  • health cost pct:20

  • reflection pct:50

Cool Down


Terror Wave

Causes a wave to travel outwards in all directions forcing enemy heroes to become Feared upon impact and dealing damage, and grants Terrorblade Metamorphosis for a short time.



  • fear duration:2

  • damage:200

Cool Down


Mana Cost



Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+30s Metamorphosis Duration

+ 0.8 %

-30s Sunder Cooldown

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+10 All Stats

+ 0.4 %

+10s Conjure Image Duration

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

-20s Metamorphosis Cooldown

+ 1.5 %

+10% Reflection Slow/Damage

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+10% Conjure Image Damage

+ 2.6 %

-4s Reflection Cooldown

Win Rate

Pick Rate


Use your reflection when your support is harrasing the opponents or in combination with Metamorphosis to inflict greater damage.

Feel free to pop Metamorphosis to give yourself an easier time lasthitting for two waves. Try to harras your opponents and deny their creeps.

Make sure you have 2 levels in Metamorphosis before your second use of it in lane.

Stay healthy as illusions will inherit your hero's current health.

Don't overlane. Consider moving to the jungle when laning opponents are about to hit level 6.

You can also Sunder an ally or illusion when in trouble. You can body block an opponent with illusions as well.

Farm dangerous areas with illusions, control runes and provide vision when opponents are missing.

Pop Metamorphosis only when opponents are committed to the fight. It can get kited if you pop it too early.

Push out sidelines and farm opponents' jungle with illusions when not much is happening around the map.

Counter Strategy

Terrorblade has high armor, but low HP and is weak against magical damage. Pressure him early on.

Terrorblade is strong when he has Metamorphosis on. Look to escape and fight afterwards.

Hexes, drains and Dagon destroy Conjure Images instantly.

If you are high on HP, avoid staying close to Terrorblade when he is low as he will Sunder you.

Terrorblade farms quickly with Conjure Image. Smoke on him, place deep wards and sentry off camps.

Items that provide AoE damage, especially magical damage, are great at dealing with Conjure Image.

Crimson Guard and armor items are great against Terrorblade's physical damage.

Black King Bar, Linken's sphere or a well timed Lotus Orb prevent you from being Sundered.

Terrorblade is great at split-pushing and ratting. Consider getting Boots of Travel on a core.


Terrorblade is the demon marauder--an outlaw hellion whom even other demons fear. A cosmic iconoclast, he stole from the Demon Lords, ignored the codified rites that should have bound his behavior, and broke every law of the seven Infernal Regions. For his crimes, he was taught this lesson: even Hell has a hell. A short, brutal trial ensued, with many dead on all sides, and he was finally incarcerated in Foulfell, a hidden dimension where demonkind imprison their own. But Foulfell is no normal prison. In this dark mirror of reality, demons are sentenced to gaze eternally into the twisted reflection of their own souls. But instead of suffering, Terrorblade made himself master of his own reflected worst self--a raging, thieving demon of unimaginable power. With his inner beast under sway, he destroyed the fractal prison walls and burst free to turn his terror loose upon all creation.

Dota Coach logo
A red and white logo with the word 'Dota Coach' in a stylized font.
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