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Dragon Knight

Popularity: #31

Leaderboard: #61

Ban Rank: #59

KDA Rank: #58

Transforms into a formidable ranged dragon

When he takes on his terrifying dragon form, Dragon Knight strikes fear into any who face him. Strong and adaptable, he can stun his enemies and burn all in front of him, often providing his allies the momentum they need to carry them to victory.

Win Rate 49.9%
Pick Rate 10.6%
dragon knight Image

462 +79.2/lvl

216 +20.4/lvl

Strength Image

21 +3.6/lvl

Agility Image

16 +2/lvl

Intelligence Image

18 +1.7/lvl



34 - 40 + 2/level (92 - 98 at level 30)






0 + 0.3/level (8.7 at level 30)














dragon_fire icon

Fire Dragon

Win Rate: 47.7%

Pick Rate: 36.9%

Dragon Knight has Splash Damage on his attacks that get stronger when in Elder Dragon Form.

Wyrm's Wrath

Attacks splash in a small radius while in Elder Dragon Form and cleave while in Human Form.

Elder Dragon Form

Cleave is transformed into Splash damage, adding the bonus damage percentage while in Elder Dragon Form.



dragon_poison icon

Corrosive Dragon

Win Rate: 51.5%

Pick Rate: 43.9%

Dragon Knight has Corrosive Powers on his attacks that get stronger when in Elder Dragon Form.

Wyrm's Wrath

Attacks are filled with poison that affects enemy units and structures, reducing armor and dealing damage over time. The effect splashes while in Elder Dragon Form.

Elder Dragon Form

Damage and Armor Reduction from Corrosive Breath is increased while in Elder Dragon Form.



dragon_frost icon

Frost Dragon

Win Rate: 50.5%

Pick Rate: 19.2%

Dragon Knight has Slow and Healing Reduction Effects on his attacks that get stronger when in Elder Dragon Form.

Wyrm's Wrath

Attacks are filled with frost that affects enemy units, slowing movement speed, attack speed, and reducing healing. The effect splashes while in Elder Dragon Form.

Elder Dragon Form

Attack speed, movement speed and healing reduction from Frost Breath is increased while in Elder Dragon Form.




Innate Ability Image

Dragon Blood

The life blood of the Dragon improves Dragon Knight's health regeneration and armor. Amount for both values is increased by 0.5 per level and is multiplied when in Dragon Form.





Breathe Fire

Unleashes a breath of fire in front of Dragon Knight that burns enemies and reduces the damage their attacks deal.

  • AFFECTS:unit



  • DEBUFF:yes

  • start radius:150 / 150 / 150 / 150

  • end radius:250 / 250 / 250 / 250

  • range:750

  • AbilityCastRange:600

  • speed:1050

  • damage:80 / 160 / 240 / 320

  • reduction:-30

  • duration:11

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

30% Breathe Fire Damage Reduction

Talent tree branch

+85% Breathe Fire Damage/Cast Range in Dragon Form

Cool Down

14 / 13 / 12 / 11

Mana Cost

90 / 95 / 100 / 105


Dragon Tail

Dragon Knight smites an enemy unit in melee range with his shield, stunning it and dealing damage. When in Elder Dragon Form, the cast range increases to 450.

  • AFFECTS:unit


  • DISPELLABLE:strong

  • DEBUFF:yes

  • stun duration:1.8 / 2 / 2.2 / 2.4

  • damage:60 / 90 / 120 / 150

  • dragon cast range:450

  • projectile speed:1600

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+0.4s Dragon Tail Stun

Talent tree branch

+400 AoE Dragon Tail During Elder Dragon Form

Cool Down

16 / 14 / 12 / 10

Mana Cost

70 / 80 / 90 / 100

Wyrm's Wrath

The life blood of the Dragon improves Dragon Knight's attacks. When in Dragon form, these attack effects are stronger.

  • PASSIVE:Breakable

  • corrosive breath damage:5 / 10 / 15 / 20

  • corrosive breath duration:3

  • corrosive breath armor reduction:1 / 2 / 3 / 4

  • cleave starting width:150

  • cleave ending width:260

  • cleave distance:450

  • cleave damage:30 / 40 / 50 / 60

  • frost bonus movement speed:-14 / -21 / -28 / -35

  • frost bonus attack speed:-14 / -21 / -28 / -35

  • frost duration:3 / 3 / 3 / 3

  • frost healing reduction:14 / 21 / 28 / 35

Dragon Blood

The life blood of the Dragon improves Dragon Knight's health regeneration and armor. Amount for both values is increased by 0.5 per level and is multiplied when in Dragon Form.

  • PASSIVE:Breakable

  • base health regen:2

  • base armor:2

  • level mult:0.5

  • regen and armor multiplier during dragon form:1.5

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+12 Dragon Blood HP Regen/Armor


Ignites an area, dealing damage over time that lingers on enemies in it. Has reduced cast range when melee.

  • AFFECTS:area


  • radius:350

  • damage:75

  • duration:8

  • burn interval:0.5

  • linger duration:2

  • dragon form cast range:1400

  • melee cast range:600

Cool Down


Mana Cost



Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+12 Dragon Blood HP Regen/Armor

+ 4.0 %

+400 AoE Dragon Tail During Elder Dragon Form

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+150 Elder Dragon Form Attack Range

+ 1.4 %

+85% Breathe Fire Damage/Cast Range in Dragon Form

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+0.4s Dragon Tail Stun

+ 0.4 %

+300 Health

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+15 Damage

+ 2.8 %

30% Breathe Fire Damage Reduction

Win Rate

Pick Rate


Dragon Knight trades well in lane with his Corrosive dragon facet. Look to use that to pressure the enemy melee heroes.

Try to use Breathe Fire to secure ranged creeps during the laning stage.

Dragon Knight is great at taking buildings down early due to the Corrosive Breath facet amplified during dragon form with bonus right click damage added.

Once you get Blink Dagger, try to make use of it immediately before opponent see it in your inventory.

Make sure you have allies nearby when you initiate. Dragon Knight doesn't do much burst damage.

Avoid fighting while Dragon Form is on cooldown. Push out lanes or play defensively.

Break effects and healing reductions are a big problem for Dragon Knight. Itemize against those.

Counter Strategy

Someone should buy Spirit Vessel against Dragon Knight to deal high damage and offset his regeneration.

Pressure Dragon Knight early on before he gets 2 or more points in Dragon Blood.

Elder Dragon Form is really good at destroying towers. Organize defense quickly.

Be aware of Dragon Knight's Blink Dagger or Shadow Blade timing.

Linken's Sphere, status resistance and Lotus Orb are good against Dragon Tail.

Break effects remove Dragon Blood - the passive that makes Dragon Knight tanky.


After years on the trail of a legendary Eldwurm, the Knight Davion found himself facing a disappointing foe: the dreaded Slyrak had grown ancient and frail, its wings tattered, its few remaining scales stricken with scale-rot, its fangs ground to nubs, and its fire-gouts no more threatening than a pack of wet matchsticks. Seeing no honor to be gained in dragon-murder, Knight Davion prepared to turn away and leave his old foe to die in peace. But a voice crept into his thoughts, and Slyrak gave a whispered plea that Davion might honor him with death in combat. Davion agreed, and found himself rewarded beyond expectation for his act of mercy: As he sank his blade in Slyrak's breast, the dragon pierced Davion's throat with a talon. As their blood mingled, Slyrak sent his power out along the Blood Route, sending all its strength and centuries of wisdom to the knight. The dragon's death sealed their bond and Dragon Knight was born. The ancient power slumbers in the Dragon Knight Davion, waking when he calls it. Or perhaps it is the Dragon that calls the Knight...

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