Dust of Appearance
The amazing Dust of Appearance in Dota 2. Imagine discovering a sparkling powder, a magical substance that doesn't just shimmer but reveals hidden enemies and brings clarity to the battlefield!
Use: Reveal
For <value>12</value> seconds, creates an area that reveals and slows invisible heroes by <value>20</value>% in a <value>1050</value> radius where the caster was standing. Invisible units revealed by dust take <value>25</value> damage.<br> The debuff effect on enemies lingers for <value>8</value>s after leaving the area of effect.
Additional Insights
- Places a debuff on enemy units in the area that reveals them when they are invisible.
- But here's the fascinating part, Dust of Appearance isn't just about revealing; it's about teamwork and control. It aids in exposing sneaky heroes or units using invisibility, allowing your team to thwart ambushes and secure victories in battles.
Itemization Strategy
It's an item for all at any stage of the game tho handled more frequently by supports it's also no stranger to cores that seeks to kill.
Heroes countered by Dust of Appearance
Before the July 14 2017 patch there was no name for it's active ability.