A red and white logo with the word 'Dota Coach' in a stylized font.
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Popularity: #80

Leaderboard: #124

Ban Rank: #36

KDA Rank: #66

Rides the waves to flank enemies

Shifting his attributes to suit his situation, Morphling can be as elusive as he is deadly. Whether riding a wave to flank an enemy, or boosting his health before escaping into his deceptive replication, few can hope to corner him.

Win Rate 42.6%
Pick Rate 5.2%
morphling Image

506 +70.4/lvl

228 +21.6/lvl

Strength Image

23 +3.2/lvl

Agility Image

24 +3.9/lvl

Intelligence Image

19 +1.8/lvl



12 - 21 + 3.9/level (125.1 - 134.1 at level 30)






-2 + 0.6/level (15.4 at level 30)














agility icon


Win Rate: 43.6%

Pick Rate: 80.8%

Morphling's Primary Attribute is now Agility

strength icon


Win Rate: 38.1%

Pick Rate: 19.2%

Morphling's Primary Attribute is now Strength and Attribute Shift can accelerate his cooldowns.

Morphling's ability cooldown durations change based on his current Agility/Strength ratio, with a maximum of 60% cooldown reduction at 175% Agility/Strength ratio. Also affects spells already on cooldown.


Innate Ability Image


Morphling receives 50% of stat growth bonuses every half level instead of the full bonus at level up. Morphling receives +100% bonus stats from All Attributes bonus from skill points in the Talent Tree.



Morphling dissolves into liquid and surges forward, damaging enemy units in his path. Morphling is invulnerable during Waveform and attacks all enemies it goes through with a penalty.


  • speed:1250

  • width:200

  • AbilityCastRange:700 / 800 / 900 / 1000

  • pct damage:50

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+250 Waveform Range

Talent tree branch

+75% Waveform Attack Damage And Applies On Hit Effects

Talent tree branch

-40% Waveform Cooldown

Cool Down

21 / 18 / 15 / 12

Mana Cost



Adaptive Strike (Agility)

Launches a surge of water toward an enemy unit, dealing base damage plus additional damage based on Morphling's agility times a multiplier. If Morphling's agility is 50% higher than strength, the maximum agility multiplier is used. Also puts Adaptive Strike (Strength) on a 3 second cooldown.

  • AFFECTS:unit


  • damage base:55 / 65 / 75 / 85

  • damage min:0.5

  • damage max:1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5

  • projectile speed:1150

  • shared cooldown:3

Aghanim ScepterAghanim Shard

Aghanim`s Shard Upgrade

Increases bonus Agility.

    Cool Down

    16 / 14 / 12 / 10

    Mana Cost

    40 / 50 / 60 / 70


    Adaptive Strike (Strength)

    Launches a surge of water toward an enemy unit, stunning the target based on Morphling's strength. If his strength is 50% higher than his agility, the maximum stun is dealt. Also puts Adaptive Strike (Agility) on a 3 second cooldown.

    • AFFECTS:unit

    • PASSIVE:No

    • DISPELLABLE:strong

    • DEBUFF:yes

    • stun min:0.5

    • stun max:1.2 / 1.6 / 2 / 2.4

    • projectile speed:1150

    • shared cooldown:3

    Aghanim ScepterAghanim Shard

    Aghanim`s Shard Upgrade

    Increases bonus Strength.

      Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

      +1s Adaptive Strike Stun Duration

      Cool Down

      16 / 14 / 12 / 10

      Mana Cost

      40 / 50 / 60 / 70



      Morphling changes his form to match the targeted enemy, gaining their basic abilities. Can be toggled for the duration of the ability.

      • AFFECTS:unit

      • PASSIVE:No

      • BUFF:yes

      • duration:24

      Aghanim ScepterAghanim Shard

      Aghanim`s Scepter Upgrade

      Adds an alt-cast to Morph. When enabled, a strong illusion is created of the target hero that can cast all of the hero's basic abilities. If the illusion is alive when Morphling toggles the ability, he will take the place of the illusion, destroying it.

        Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

        +16s Morph Duration

        Cool Down

        140 / 100 / 60

        Mana Cost



        Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

        -40% Waveform Cooldown

        + 0.6 %

        +35 Strength

        Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

        +75% Waveform Attack Damage And Applies On Hit Effects

        + 0.7 %

        +1s Adaptive Strike Stun Duration

        Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

        +15 Agility

        + 1.7 %

        +16s Morph Duration

        Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

        +250 Waveform Range

        + 5.5 %

        +15% Magic Resistance

        Win Rate

        Pick Rate


        Focus on outlasthiting opponents with high base damage, Shifting more agility will help with last hitting but can be risky.

        Be careful when playing versus ranged heroes. You don't want to allow them to harras you too much and force you to morph strength.

        Rush Morbid Mask for hp sustain on a mediocre to tough lane.

        Whenever you drop low on health, shift to agility before using health consumables or stick.

        Consider putting a point in Adaptive Strike on level 2 if you have issues securing range creep lasthit.

        Start morphing into strength right away if you expect to be jumped.

        Healing reductions and silences are a big problem for Morph and early Manta can dispel both in many cases.

        Don't be morphed fully into agility when moving around or before the fight.

        Khanda gives you a big power spike because it synergizes well with your adaptive strike. Look to play closer to team once you get the item.

        Aghanim's Shard is really good when you are playing against excessive disable and long stuns.

        Black King Bar is necessary to prevent getting interrupted when waveforming in to fight enemy heroes.

        Counter Strategy

        Someone should buy Spirit Vessel against Morphling to offset Attribute Shift strength gain.

        Morphling is weaker in his earlier levels, Pressure him early on.

        Morphling tends to play on a low hp pool. Surprise him with smoke, instant disable, silence or invisibility.

        Focus Morphling in the fights or he will do insane amounts of damage.

        Morphling is likely to be farming safe areas of the map like the triangle, If possible try to gank with smokes and pressure the hero.

        Eye of Skadi is good against Morphing to offset Attribute Shift strength gain and to slow him.


        For dark eons the comet circled. Held in thrall to a distant sun, bound by gravity's inexorable pull, the massive ball of ice careened through the blackness between worlds, made strange by its dark journey. On the eve of the ancient war of the Vloy, it punched down through the sky and lit a glowing trail across the night, a sign both armies took for an omen. The frozen ball melted in a flash of boiling heat, as below two forces enjoined in battle across the border of a narrow river. Thus freed from its icy stasis, the Morphling was born into conflict, an elemental power at one with the tides of the ocean, capricious and unconstrained. He entered the fight, instinctively taking the form of the first general who dared set foot across the water, and then struck him dead. As the motley warriors clashed, he shifted from form to form throughout the battle, instantly absorbing the ways of these strange creatures--now a footsoldier, now an archer, now the cavalryman--until, by the time the last soldier fell, Morphling had played every part. The battle's end was his beginning.

        Dota Coach logo
        A red and white logo with the word 'Dota Coach' in a stylized font.
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