Lycan Pro Builds & Guides
Dota Coach Guides
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Alpha Wolves
Increases the max level of Summon Wolves while lowering the max level of Howl and Feral Impulse.

Summon Wolves
Max Level increased to 2. Level 5 wolves gain Hamstring, which empowers their attacks to root enemies and cause them to take more physical damage on attacks. Level 6 wolves have Hightail, an active ability that gives wolves phased movement, evasion, movespeed, and attack speed.

Max level decreased to -1.

Feral Impulse
Max level decreased to -1.
Ability Build

Item Build

In Game Guides
Standard Position 3, Facet 1 |
7.37e | Off Lane | 3,084,401 subscribers


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starting items

Early game

Core items

Situational items

Extension items

Luxury items

cant rec. aLPHA wOLVES fACET, Valve bug

Standard Position 1, Facet 2 |
7.37e | Core | 2,052,758 subscribers


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starting items

Early game

CORE items

Situational items

Extension items

Luxury items

MOUZ Guides | Lycan
7.37d | Off Lane | 650,083 subscribers

Starting Itemsh
Early Game

Core Items

Situational Items

Counter Items
Core Players

Support Players