Manta Style


Main shop

An axe made of reflective materials that causes confusion amongst enemy ranks.
The Manta Style is like your hero's mystical mirror, a versatile and enchanting item that not only grants your hero increased agility and attack speed but also offers the ability to create illusions in the most magical way!
Base Combat Stats
+ 10 Strength
+ 26 Agility
+ 10 Intelligence
+ 15 Attack Speed

+ 10% Movement Speed

Active: Mirror Image
Creates 2 images of your hero that last 18 seconds.
Melee images deal 33% damage, while Ranged images deal 28%. Illusions take 300% damage.
Dispel Type: Basic Dispel
Mana: 125
Cooldown: 34
Additional Insights
- Has a %invuln_duration% second cast time during which you are invulnerable.
- Many effects are removed upon using Manta.
- Yasha based movement speed bonuses from multiple items do not stack.
- The strength of the Manta Style lies in its versatility and utility. It's not just about the increased agility and attack speed, it's about the tactical advantage of creating illusions that can turn the tide of battles in your favor.
The statistics below shows the percentage of hero builds which contain Manta Style as a core or non-core item for each role. These statistics are based on our
.Itemization Strategy
Redefined from it's roots in DotA, Manta is agility core must have as it gives them the ability to maximized their damage output and dispel spells that makes them vulnerable in the battlefield of war. Efficiently enough to be bought around the post-laning stage as this has become more of a lotus orb alternative for universal heroes.