Dawnbreaker Pro Builds & Guides
Dota Coach Guides
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Gleaming Hammer
Celestial Hammer heals allies and damages enemies when on the ground.

Celestial Hammer
When Celestial Hammer lands on the ground, it creates the healing and damaging effects of Solar Guardian, reduced by %hammer_solar_guardian_effectiveness_pct%%% in a %hammer_solar_guardian_radius% AoE around it. Increases the duration that the hammer can remain stationary to %pause_duration%s.
Ability Build

Item Build

In Game Guides
MOUZ Guides | Dawnbreaker Offlane
7.37d | Off Lane | 1,903,638 subscribers

Starting Items
Early Game

Core Items

Situational Items

visit mouz.gg/dota
Standard Position 3, Facet 1
7.37e | Off Lane | 1,402,987 subscribers


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starting items

Early game

Core items

situational items

Extension items

Luxury items

MOUZ Guides | Dawnbreaker Support
7.37d | Support | 510,561 subscribers

Starting Items
Early Game

Core Items

Situational Items

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Counter Items
Core Players

Support Players