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Urn of Shadows

Imagine having a special, mystical urn called the Urn of Shadows. It's like having a magical vessel that brings healing to your team and a bit of mischief to your enemies!
Upgraded Item | Support

Main shop

Gold is the currency used to buy items or instantly revive your hero in Dota 2.880

Contains the ashes of powerful demons.

Imagine having a special, mystical urn called the Urn of Shadows. It's like having a magical vessel that brings healing to your team and a bit of mischief to your enemies!

Base Combat Stats

+ 1.4 Mana Regeneration

+ 2 All Attributes

+ 2 Armor


Spirit Vessel
Imagine having a special, mystical urn called the Urn of Shadows. It's like having a magical vessel that brings healing to your team and a bit of mischief to your enemies!
Sage's Mask
Ring of Protection
Urn of Shadows Recipe


Active: Soul Release

Provides 30 health regeneration when cast on allies, and deals 25 damage per second when cast on enemies.
Lasts 8.0 seconds.
Gains charges every time an enemy hero dies within 1400 units. Only the closest Urn to the dying hero will gain a charge.

Cooldown: 7

Additional Insights

  • Empty urns gain 2 charges.
  • If used on a hero with Soul Release already active on them, it will refresh its duration.
  • When you use the Urn to heal your teammates, it's like a warm, comforting embrace, patching up their wounds and giving them a boost of health over time. It's like having a handy first aid kit for your team! But when you use it against enemies, those collected souls turn into a fiery burst, dealing a bit of damage. It's a little reminder to your opponents that your team isn't to be trifled with!


The statistics below shows the percentage of hero builds which contain Urn of Shadows as a core or non-core item for each role. These statistics are based on our hero guides.

Itemization Strategy

Something that is always good to have around, built by the early game this item scales into a better one mid game. Mostly built by supports but also by some ganking cores this item is essential if you wanna keep fighting. One hero that stands out on this item is Earth Spirit.

Heroes with Urn of Shadows as Core Item

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Brewmaster
A core item that activates to Cinder Brew on cast and snowball with kills. Also provides some much needed mana regen.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Clockwerk
A core item that helps with mana sustain and lets you snowball from the lane with kills. Also provides armor as well as some damage and tankiness through stats.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Earth Spirit
A core item that helps with mana sustain and lets you snowball from the lane with kills. Also makes you tanky with armor and stats.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Nature's Prophet
An early game pick up that improves mana regen and lets you snowball from the laning phase with kills. Also provides decent stats and armor to make you tanky.

Heroes countered by Urn of Shadows

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Alchemist
Adds another layer of damage to burst down Alchemist. Builds into Spirit Vessel later on which is incredible against him.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Bristleback
Adds another layer of damage to burst down Bristleback. Builds into Spirit Vessel later on which is incredible against him.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Broodmother
Adds another layer of damage to burst down Broodmother. Builds into Spirit Vessel later on which is incredible against her.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Centaur Warrunner
Adds another layer of damage to burst down Centaur. Builds into Spirit Vessel later on which is incredible against him.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Dawnbreaker
Adds another layer of damage to burst down Dawnbreaker. Builds into Spirit Vessel later on which is incredible against her.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Dazzle
Adds another layer of damage to burst down Dazzle. Builds into Spirit Vessel later on which is incredible against him.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Huskar
Adds another layer of damage to burst down Huskar. Builds into Spirit Vessel later on which is incredible against him.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Io
Adds another layer of damage to burst down Io. Builds into Spirit Vessel later on which is incredible against him.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Keeper of the Light
Adds another layer of damage to burst down Keeper of the Light. Builds into Spirit Vessel later on which is incredible against him.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Marci
Adds another layer of damage to burst down Marci. Builds into Spirit Vessel later on which is incredible against her.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Monkey King
Adds another layer of damage to burst down Monkey King as well as not let him use Tree Dance. Builds into Spirit Vessel later in the game.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Morphling
Adds another layer of damage to burst down Morphling. Builds into Spirit Vessel later on which is incredible against him.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Omniknight
Adds another layer of damage to burst down Omniknight. Builds into Spirit Vessel later on which is incredible against him.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Oracle
Adds another layer of damage to burst down Oracle. Builds into Spirit Vessel later on which is incredible against him.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Pudge
Adds another layer of damage to burst down Pudge. Builds into Spirit Vessel later on which is incredible against him.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Pugna
Adds another layer of damage to burst down Pugna. Builds into Spirit Vessel later on which is incredible against him.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Templar Assassin
Gives you multiple instances of damage over time to eat away Templar Assassin's Refraction charges.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Timbersaw
Adds another layer of damage to burst down Timbersaw. Builds into Spirit Vessel later on which is incredible against him.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Underlord
Adds another layer of damage to burst down Underlord. Builds into Spirit Vessel later on which is incredible against him.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Undying
Adds another layer of damage to burst down Undying. Builds into Spirit Vessel later on which is incredible against him.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Visage
Gives you multiple instances of damage over time to help eat away the Gravekeeper's Cloak layers. Builds into Spirit Vessel later on which is incredible against him.


Its concept and name were partially inspired by an item called 'Urn of King Scabaras' from the game 'RuneScape'. The Urn of King Scabaras in RuneScape had a mechanic where players could collect ashes and gain prayer experience by using the urn.
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A red and white logo with the word 'Dota Coach' in a stylized font.
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