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Eul's Scepter of Divinity

Picture a fancy wizard's staff called the Eul's Scepter in Dota 2. It's like having a magical tool that lets you control time in a way!
Upgraded Item | Magical

Main shop

Gold is the currency used to buy items or instantly revive your hero in Dota 2.2625

A mysterious scepter passed down through the ages, its disruptive winds can be used for good or evil.

Picture a fancy wizard's staff called the Eul's Scepter in Dota 2. It's like having a magical tool that lets you control time in a way!

Base Combat Stats

+ 10 Intelligence

bonus mana regen

+ 2.5 Mana Regeneration

bonus movement speed

+ 20 Movement Speed


Wind Waker
Picture a fancy wizard's staff called the Eul's Scepter in Dota 2. It's like having a magical tool that lets you control time in a way!
Staff of Wizardry
Void Stone
Wind Lace
Eul's Scepter Recipe


Active: Cyclone

Sweeps a target unit up into a cyclone, making them invulnerable for 2.5 seconds. Cyclone can only be cast on enemy units or yourself.
Enemy units take 50 magical damage upon landing.
Dispel Type: Basic Dispel

Mana: 175

Cooldown: 23

Additional Insights

  • You cannot cyclone allies.
  • Cyclones cast on yourself go through spell immunity.
  • Cyclone can dispel some buffs and debuffs.
  • Cyclone duration is unaffected by status resistance.
  • So, the Eul's Scepter is like having a versatile tool that lets you control the flow of the battle, giving you a brief moment to catch your breath or disrupt your enemies' plans. It's a handy and strategic item that adds a bit of wizardry to your gameplay!


The statistics below shows the percentage of hero builds which contain Eul's Scepter of Divinity as a core or non-core item for each role. These statistics are based on our hero guides.

Itemization Strategy

A mana and movement fusion kind of item, this item is a staple for magic damage oriented cores. Best timing would be to get it from the post laning stage up to the middle game.

Heroes with Eul's Scepter of Divinity as Core Item

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Dark Willow
A core item that to set up your Cursed Crown and Bramble Maze on an enemy hero. Also lets you dispel yourself and buy time when in trouble.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Earthshaker
A core item to set up your control spells on enemy heroes and keep them chain stunned while your team catches up to finish them off. Also gives you some much needed mana regen and lets you dispel yourself and buy time when in trouble.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Jakiro
A core item to set up your Ice Path and Macropyre on enemy heroes. Also lets you dispel yourself and buy time when in trouble.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Lina
A core item to setup Light Strike Array on enemy heroes and follow up with your other damage spells for kills. Also provides some much needed mana pool and sustain.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Mirana
A core item to setup your Sacred Arrow on enemy heroes. Goes well with Blink Dagger. Also lets you dispel yourself and buy time when in trouble.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Pangolier
A core item to chain stun enemy heroes by using Cyclone on yourself when on top of them during Rolling Thunder. Also lets you dispel yourself and buy time when in trouble.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Tusk
A core item to set up your Ice Shards and Snowball on enemy heroes and keep them disabled for longer. Also provides some much needed mana pool and sustain and lets you dispel yourself and buy time when in trouble.

Heroes countered by Eul's Scepter of Divinity

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Abaddon
Lets you instantly pop Aphotic Shield off an enemy hero. Also helps kite Abaddon by casting Cyclone on him or yourself and then running away.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Alchemist
Lets you kite Alchemist by casting Cyclone on him or yourself and then running away. Also lets you dodge the stun and damage from Unstable Concoction.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Ancient Apparition
Lets you dodge the Cold Feet stun with Cyclone if you cannot walk outside its proc range in time.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Axe
Lets you save allies by Cycloning Axe after his initiation with Blink into Berserker's Call so he does not do any damage from Counter Helix and Blade Mail.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Bloodseeker
Lets you buy time during Rupture as well as dodge the damage and silence from Blood Rite using Cyclone.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Bounty Hunter
Gives you a dispel against Track and also lets you kite Bounty Hunter by using Cyclone on him. Can also be used to dodge the Shuriken Toss damage.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Centaur Warrunner
Lets you kite Centaur's Stampede buff by casting Cyclone on him or yourself and then running away. Also lets you dodge the Hoof Stomp stun and damage.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Dark Willow
Lets you dispel Bramble Maze and Cursed Crown before it triggers. Can also be used to dodge the Terrorize fear and some of the Bedlam damage.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Dawnbreaker
Lets you kite Dawnbreaker by casting Cyclone on her or yourself during Starbreaker and Celestial Hammer. Also lets you dodge the stun from Solar Guardian.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Earth Spirit
Gives you a dispel against the Geomagnetic Grip silence and Magnetize. Also lets you dodge Rolling Boulder and kite Earth Spirit.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Ember Spirit
Gives you a dispel against the Searing Chains root. Also lets you take Flame Guard off Ember Spirit by Cycloning him.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Faceless Void
Gives you a dispel against Time Dilation as well as kite Faceless Void by using Cyclone on him or yourself and walking away afterwards. Can also be used quickly before Chronosphere lands to buy time.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Grimstroke
Lets you take off Phantom's Embrace as well as instantly pop Ink Swell off an enemy hero.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Gyrocopter
Lets you dodge the stun and damage from Homing Missile and Call Down when they are about to connect.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Invoker
Gives you a dispel against Cold Snap and take Alacrity off an enemy hero. Also lets you dodge spells like Tornado, EMP, Chaos Meteor, and Cataclysm.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Kunkka
Lets you dodge Kunkka's spell combo as you do not get dragged back by X Mark while Cycloned.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Legion Commander
Lets you save an ally affected by Duel by Cycloning Legion Commander during it. Also lets you dispel the Overwhelming Odds and Press the Attack buffs off her.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Marci
Lets you kite Marci by Cycloning her and waste some of the Unleash duration.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Monkey King
Lets you dispel Jingu Mastery off Monkey King or take off the slow from Primal Spring on yourself. Also lets you kite him and disrupt the Wukong's Command channel.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Omniknight
Lets you offensively dispel Guardian Angel off an enemy hero.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Pudge
Lets you save an ally by Cycloning Pudge during Dismember to interrupt it. Also lets you dodge Meat Hook by Cycloning yourself.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Queen of Pain
Gives you a dispel against Shadow Strike and also lets you dodge Scream of Pain and Sonic Wave. Also helps dispel the silence from Blink once Queen of Pain has Aghanims Shard.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Silencer
Gives you a dispel against Global Silence and Arcane Curse.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Skywrath Mage
Gives you a dispel against the Ancient Seal silence and Rod of Atos. Also lets you dodge most of the Mystic Flare damage as well as the Arcane Bolt and Concussive Shot projectiles.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Snapfire
Lets you dodge Snapfire's damage and control from Scatterblast, Firesnap Cookie, and Mortimer Kisses with a timely Cyclone on yourself.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Spirit Breaker
Lets you dispel Bulldoze off Spirit Breaker to take away his status resistance and mobility. Also lets you dodge Charge of Darkness and disjoint Nether Strike.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Sven
Lets you dispel Warcry off Sven to take away his armor and mobility. Also lets you dodge the Storm Hammer stun and damage by Cycloning yourself.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Treant Protector
Gives you a dispel against Overgrowth and Leech Seed by Cycloning yourself. Also lets you dispel Living Armor off an enemy hero.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Troll Warlord
Lets you kite and waste some of Troll Warlord's Battle Trance duration. Also lets you dispel the slow from Whirling Axes (Ranged) and the blind from Whirling Axes (Melee).
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Ursa
Lets you kite and waste some of Ursa's Enrage duration. Also lets you dispel Overpower off Ursa and the slow from Earthshock off yourself.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Venomancer
Gives you a dispel against Venomous Gale and Poison Sting. Also lets you dodge the Noxious Plague projectile with a timely Cyclone on yourself.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Warlock
Lets you dispel Fatal Bonds and Shadow Word off yourself. Also lets you dodge the Chaotic Offering stun and interrupt Upheaval by Cycloning Warlock.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Windranger
Lets you dispel Windrun off Windranger as well as kite her during Focus Fire. Also lets you dodge the control and damage from Shackleshot and Powershot with a timely Cyclone on yourself.


The item is named after a prominent figure in the Dota community, a developer named 'Abdul 'Eul' Ismail'. Eul was one of the original creators of the custom map 'Defense of the Ancients' (DotA) from Warcraft III.