A red and white logo with the word 'Dota Coach' in a stylized font.
Dota Coach logoDota Coach logoDota Coach logoDota Coach logo


match 8174511138

Lobby Type


Game Mode

Ranked Matchmaking



match ended

26 days ago

radiant win





heroplayerkdanetlh / dngpm / xpmdmghealblditems
Dota 2 Hero Image


PaulFrank393012.9k34 / 0418 / 50820.1k192546
  • Dota 2 Item glimmer-cape
  • Dota 2 Item point-booster
  • Dota 2 Item blink-dagger
  • Dota 2 Item arcane-boots
  • Dota 2 Item aether-lens
  • Dota 2 Item wind-lace
  • Dota 2 Item smoke-of-deceit
Dota 2 Item eye-of-the-vizier
Dota 2 Hero Image


问心472216.9k176 / 11562 / 49213.1k02178
  • Dota 2 Item blink-dagger
  • Dota 2 Item heavens-halberd
  • Dota 2 Item euls-scepter-of-divinity
  • Dota 2 Item shivas-guard
  • Dota 2 Item bracer
  • Dota 2 Item phase-boots
Dota 2 Item paladin-sword
Dota 2 Hero Image


1 3913719.8k33 / 2602 / 62414.2k0830
  • Dota 2 Item wind-lace
  • Dota 2 Item boots-of-bearing
  • Dota 2 Item aghanims-scepter
  • Dota 2 Item euls-scepter-of-divinity
  • Dota 2 Item solar-crest
  • Dota 2 Item aether-lens
  • Dota 2 Item smoke-of-deceit
Dota 2 Hero Image


谎如昨日,嗤笑今朝1831525.6k278 / 5832 / 93531.5k013032
  • Dota 2 Item phase-boots
  • Dota 2 Item shivas-guard
  • Dota 2 Item radiance
  • Dota 2 Item bloodstone
  • Dota 2 Item eternal-shroud
  • Dota 2 Item aghanims-scepter
  • Dota 2 Item soul-ring
Dota 2 Item paladin-sword
Dota 2 Hero Image


BORIS1232520.3k175 / 15658 / 77030.2k016704
  • Dota 2 Item power-treads
  • Dota 2 Item orb-of-corrosion
  • Dota 2 Item magic-wand
  • Dota 2 Item linkens-sphere
  • Dota 2 Item khanda
  • Dota 2 Item aghanims-scepter
Dota 2 Item vampire-fangs
462312995.6k696 / 333.1k / 3.3k109.1k19233.3k












heroplayerkdanetlh / dngpm / xpmdmghealblditems
Dota 2 Hero Image


< blank >1479.2k64 / 1338 / 4097.9k00
  • Dota 2 Item blink-dagger
  • Dota 2 Item aether-lens
  • Dota 2 Item healing-salve
  • Dota 2 Item observer-and-sentry-wards
  • Dota 2 Item tranquil-boots
  • Dota 2 Item ghost-scepter
  • Dota 2 Item enchanted-mango
Dota 2 Item trusty-shovel
Dota 2 Hero Image


Liu713117.6k34 / 2321 / 40517.6k00
  • Dota 2 Item drum-of-endurance
  • Dota 2 Item perseverance
  • Dota 2 Item tranquil-boots
  • Dota 2 Item magic-wand
  • Dota 2 Item dust-of-appearance
  • Dota 2 Item bracer
Dota 2 Item pupils-gift
Dota 2 Hero Image


亘古的怪蜀黍710914.8k243 / 13559 / 63519.1k0607
  • Dota 2 Item battle-fury
  • Dota 2 Item phase-boots
  • Dota 2 Item blink-dagger
  • Dota 2 Item black-king-bar
  • Dota 2 Item magic-stick
  • Dota 2 Item wraith-band
Dota 2 Item enchanted-quiver
Dota 2 Hero Image


.210611.1k158 / 6386 / 42812.4k4320
  • Dota 2 Item phase-boots
  • Dota 2 Item blade-mail
  • Dota 2 Item blink-dagger
  • Dota 2 Item bracer
  • Dota 2 Item ogre-axe
  • Dota 2 Item bracer
  • Dota 2 Item great-healing-lotus
  • Dota 2 Item staff-of-wizardry
Dota 2 Item iron-talon
Dota 2 Hero Image


soloman49714.3k214 / 9480 / 52714.9k1.1k454
  • Dota 2 Item soul-ring
  • Dota 2 Item phase-boots
  • Dota 2 Item lotus-orb
  • Dota 2 Item magic-wand
  • Dota 2 Item mage-slayer
  • Dota 2 Item vladmirs-offering
Dota 2 Item vampire-fangs
21464057.0k713 / 312.1k / 2.4k71.9k1.5k1.1k










radiant builds

Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability lich frost nova
Dota 2 Ability lich frost shield
Dota 2 Ability lich frost nova
Dota 2 Ability lich sinister gaze
Dota 2 Ability lich frost nova
Dota 2 Ability lich chain frost
Dota 2 Ability lich frost nova
Dota 2 Ability lich sinister gaze
Dota 2 Ability lich frost shield
Dota 2 Ability lich frost shield
Dota 2 Ability lich sinister gaze
Dota 2 Ability lich chain frost
Dota 2 Ability lich sinister gaze
Dota 2 Ability lich frost shield
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability mars gods rebuke
Dota 2 Ability mars spear
Dota 2 Ability mars spear
Dota 2 Ability mars gods rebuke
Dota 2 Ability mars spear
Dota 2 Ability mars arena of blood
Dota 2 Ability mars spear
Dota 2 Ability mars gods rebuke
Dota 2 Ability mars gods rebuke
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability mars bulwark
Dota 2 Ability mars arena of blood
Dota 2 Ability mars bulwark
Dota 2 Ability mars bulwark
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability mars bulwark
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability bounty hunter wind walk
Dota 2 Ability bounty hunter shuriken toss
Dota 2 Ability bounty hunter shuriken toss
Dota 2 Ability bounty hunter jinada
Dota 2 Ability bounty hunter shuriken toss
Dota 2 Ability bounty hunter track
Dota 2 Ability bounty hunter shuriken toss
Dota 2 Ability bounty hunter wind walk
Dota 2 Ability bounty hunter jinada
Dota 2 Ability bounty hunter jinada
Dota 2 Ability bounty hunter jinada
Dota 2 Ability bounty hunter track
Dota 2 Ability bounty hunter wind walk
Dota 2 Ability bounty hunter wind walk
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability bounty hunter track
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker blood bath
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker thirst
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker blood bath
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker bloodrage
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker blood bath
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker rupture
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker blood bath
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker bloodrage
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker bloodrage
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker bloodrage
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker rupture
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker thirst
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker thirst
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker thirst
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker rupture
Dota 2 Attribute
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability kez grappling claw
Dota 2 Ability kez kazurai katana
Dota 2 Ability kez grappling claw
Dota 2 Ability kez echo slash
Dota 2 Ability kez grappling claw
Dota 2 Ability kez raptor dance
Dota 2 Ability kez grappling claw
Dota 2 Ability kez echo slash
Dota 2 Ability kez echo slash
Dota 2 Ability kez echo slash
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability kez raptor dance
Dota 2 Ability kez kazurai katana
Dota 2 Ability kez kazurai katana
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability kez kazurai katana
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability kez ravens veil
Dota 2 Attribute
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

dire builds

Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability lion impale
Dota 2 Ability lion mana drain
Dota 2 Ability lion impale
Dota 2 Ability lion voodoo
Dota 2 Ability lion impale
Dota 2 Ability lion finger of death
Dota 2 Ability lion impale
Dota 2 Ability lion voodoo
Dota 2 Ability lion mana drain
Dota 2 Ability lion mana drain
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability lion finger of death
Dota 2 Ability lion voodoo
Dota 2 Ability lion voodoo
Dota 2 Ability lion mana drain
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability crystal maiden crystal nova
Dota 2 Ability crystal maiden frostbite
Dota 2 Ability crystal maiden brilliance aura
Dota 2 Ability crystal maiden frostbite
Dota 2 Ability crystal maiden frostbite
Dota 2 Ability crystal maiden freezing field
Dota 2 Ability crystal maiden frostbite
Dota 2 Ability crystal maiden crystal nova
Dota 2 Ability crystal maiden crystal nova
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability crystal maiden crystal nova
Dota 2 Ability crystal maiden freezing field
Dota 2 Ability crystal maiden brilliance aura
Dota 2 Ability crystal maiden brilliance aura
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability ursa earthshock
Dota 2 Ability ursa fury swipes
Dota 2 Ability ursa fury swipes
Dota 2 Ability ursa overpower
Dota 2 Ability ursa fury swipes
Dota 2 Ability ursa enrage
Dota 2 Ability ursa fury swipes
Dota 2 Ability ursa earthshock
Dota 2 Ability ursa overpower
Dota 2 Ability ursa overpower
Dota 2 Ability ursa overpower
Dota 2 Ability ursa enrage
Dota 2 Ability ursa earthshock
Dota 2 Ability ursa earthshock
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability ursa enrage
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability legion commander overwhelming odds
Dota 2 Ability legion commander press the attack
Dota 2 Ability legion commander moment of courage
Dota 2 Ability legion commander overwhelming odds
Dota 2 Ability legion commander overwhelming odds
Dota 2 Ability legion commander duel
Dota 2 Ability legion commander overwhelming odds
Dota 2 Ability legion commander moment of courage
Dota 2 Ability legion commander moment of courage
Dota 2 Ability legion commander moment of courage
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability legion commander duel
Dota 2 Ability legion commander press the attack
Dota 2 Ability legion commander press the attack
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability tidehunter gush
Dota 2 Ability tidehunter anchor smash
Dota 2 Ability tidehunter anchor smash
Dota 2 Ability tidehunter kraken shell
Dota 2 Ability tidehunter anchor smash
Dota 2 Ability tidehunter ravage
Dota 2 Ability tidehunter anchor smash
Dota 2 Ability tidehunter kraken shell
Dota 2 Ability tidehunter kraken shell
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability tidehunter kraken shell
Dota 2 Ability tidehunter ravage
Dota 2 Ability tidehunter gush
Dota 2 Ability tidehunter gush
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability tidehunter gush

Expected team and hero strength


Mid Game

Late Game

Very Late Game

Team Strength
Strongest Heroes
Dota Hero LichDota Hero Mars
Dota Hero MarsDota Hero BloodseekerDota Hero Kez
Dota Hero MarsDota Hero BloodseekerDota Hero Kez
Dota Hero MarsDota Hero KezDota Hero Bloodseeker
Dota Hero Ursa
Dota Hero UrsaDota Hero Legion_commanderDota Hero Lion
Dota Hero UrsaDota Hero Legion_commanderDota Hero Tidehunter
Dota Hero Legion_commanderDota Hero TidehunterDota Hero Ursa