Wind Lace


Main shop

Hasten to battle on wind-touched heels.
Allow me to introduce you to the whimsical and breezy Wind Lace, the enchanting accessory that adds a touch of swiftness and elegance to your hero's every step.
Base Combat Stats
+ 15 Movement Speed

Additional Insights
It's like adding a dash of wind to your hero's wardrobe, turning them into a nimble and graceful dancer on the battlefield. The Wind Lace is perfect for heroes who want to move with finesse, avoiding danger and reaching the heart of the action in style.
The statistics below shows the percentage of hero builds which contain Wind Lace as a core or non-core item for each role. These statistics are based on our
.Itemization Strategy
Another early game that if you lack speed then speed shall be given to you for a cheap price! An item that is open to every hero that seeks it.
Heroes with Wind Lace as Core Item
Heroes countered by Wind Lace
It was previously called 'Wind Lance' during it's beta.