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Glimmer Cape

The Glimmer Cape is like your hero's magical shroud, a remarkable cloak that not only conceals your hero from enemy sight but also offers a protective shimmer of resistance, all in the friendliest and most enchanting manner!
Upgraded Item | Magical

Main shop

Gold is the currency used to buy items or instantly revive your hero in Dota 2.2150

The stolen cape of a master illusionist.

The Glimmer Cape is like your hero's magical shroud, a remarkable cloak that not only conceals your hero from enemy sight but also offers a protective shimmer of resistance, all in the friendliest and most enchanting manner!

Base Combat Stats

+ 25% Magic Resistance


The Glimmer Cape is like your hero's magical shroud, a remarkable cloak that not only conceals your hero from enemy sight but also offers a protective shimmer of resistance, all in the friendliest and most enchanting manner!
Shadow Amulet
Glimmer Cape Recipe


Active: Glimmer

After a <value>0.5</value> second delay, grants invisibility, <value>40</value> movement speed and a magic damage barrier that absorbs up to <value>300</value> damage to you or a target allied unit for <value>5</value> seconds.<br>Can be cast while channeling.

Mana: 90

Cooldown: 14

Additional Insights

What's truly amazing is that this magnificent cape not only makes your hero invisible but also provides a substantial bonus to magic resistance. It's like having a shield against magical assaults, protecting your hero and making them more resilient to enemy spells while hidden from view.


The statistics below shows the percentage of hero builds which contain Glimmer Cape as a core or non-core item for each role. These statistics are based on our hero guides.

Itemization Strategy

Glimmer cape is a support item that is usually built from the early game specially out of the post laning stage that helps boost the confidence of your cores to play a little more risky and brave against heroes that have high burst damage and spells.

Heroes with Glimmer Cape as Core Item

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Ancient Apparition
A defensive item that lets you or a teammate become invisible and get out of trouble. Also helps defend against magical damage with the barrier.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Bane
A core defensive item that lets you or a teammate become invisible and get out of trouble.NOTE: Can be cast on yourself while channeling Fiends Grip to become untargetable without detection.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Crystal Maiden
A core defensive item that lets you or a teammate become invisible and get out of trouble. Can also be cast on yourself while channeling Freezing Field to become untargetable without detection.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Dazzle
A defensive item that lets you or a teammate become invisible and get out of trouble. Also helps defend against magical damage with the barrier.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Disruptor
A defensive item that lets you or a teammate become invisible and get out of trouble. Also lets you walk into teamfights for a multi hero Static Storm.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Lich
A defensive item that lets you or a teammate become invisible and get out of trouble. Works well to sneak close to enemy heroes and lock them down with Sinister Gaze.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Oracle
A defensive item that lets you or a teammate become invisible and get out of trouble. Also helps defend against magical damage with the barrier.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Pugna
A defensive item that lets you or a teammate become invisible and get out of trouble. Can be applied on yourself while channeling Life Drain.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Ringmaster
A defensive item that lets you or a teammate become invisible and get out of trouble. Also helps defend against magical damage with the barrier.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Techies
A core defensive item that lets you or a teammate become invisible and get out of trouble. Can be cast on yourself before using Blast Off! to reduce the self damage taken.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Warlock
A core defensive item that lets you or a teammate become invisible and get out of trouble. Can also be cast on yourself while channeling Upheaval to become untargetable without detection.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Io
A defensive item that lets you or a teammate become invisible and get out of trouble. Also helps defend against magical damage with the barrier.
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Witch Doctor
A core defensive item that lets you or a teammate become invisible and get out of trouble. Can also be cast on yourself while channeling Death Ward to become untargetable without detection.

Heroes countered by Glimmer Cape

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Abaddon
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Underlord
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Alchemist
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Ancient Apparition
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Anti-Mage
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Arc Warden
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Bane
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Batrider
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Beastmaster
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Bloodseeker
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Brewmaster
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Bristleback
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Broodmother
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Centaur Warrunner
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Chaos Knight
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Clinkz
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Crystal Maiden
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Dark Seer
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Dark Willow
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Dawnbreaker
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Death Prophet
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Disruptor
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Doom
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Dragon Knight
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Drow Ranger
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Earthshaker
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Earth Spirit
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Elder Titan
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Ember Spirit
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Enchantress
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Enigma
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Faceless Void
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Nature's Prophet
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Grimstroke
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Gyrocopter
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Hoodwink
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Huskar
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Invoker
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Jakiro
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Juggernaut
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Keeper of the Light
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Kunkka
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Leshrac
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Lich
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Lifestealer
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Lina
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Lion
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Lone Druid
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Luna
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Lycan
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Magnus
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Marci
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Mars
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Medusa
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Mirana
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Monkey King
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Morphling
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Muerta
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Naga Siren
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Necrophos
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Shadow Fiend
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Night Stalker
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Nyx Assassin
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Outworld Devourer
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Ogre Magi
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Omniknight
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Pangolier
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Phantom Assassin
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Phantom Lancer
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Phoenix
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Primal Beast
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Puck
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Pudge
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Pugna
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Queen of Pain
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Clockwerk
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Razor
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Riki
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Ringmaster
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Rubick
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Sand King
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Shadow Demon
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Shadow Shaman
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Timbersaw
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Silencer
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Wraith King
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Skywrath Mage
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Slark
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Snapfire
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Sniper
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Spectre
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Spirit Breaker
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Storm Spirit
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Sven
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Techies
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Templar Assassin
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Terrorblade
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Tidehunter
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Tinker
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Tiny
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Treant Protector
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Tusk
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Undying
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Ursa
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Vengeful Spirit
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Venomancer
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Viper
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Visage
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Void Spirit
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Warlock
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Weaver
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Windranger
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Winter Wyvern
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Io
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Witch Doctor
Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero Zeus


Originally, the item provided 66% magic resistance to the targeted ally for 5 seconds upon activation. However, this amount of magic resistance was considered quite potent and could potentially be overpowered.
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A red and white logo with the word 'Dota Coach' in a stylized font.
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