A red and white logo with the word 'Dota Coach' in a stylized font.
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Status of Dota Coach Services

Hero content from pro coaches

All heroes have been updated to patch 7.37e:

Rectangular image of Dota 2 hero AbaddonRectangular image of Dota 2 hero UnderlordRectangular image of Dota 2 hero AlchemistRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Ancient ApparitionRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Anti-MageRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Arc WardenRectangular image of Dota 2 hero AxeRectangular image of Dota 2 hero BaneRectangular image of Dota 2 hero BatriderRectangular image of Dota 2 hero BeastmasterRectangular image of Dota 2 hero BloodseekerRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Bounty HunterRectangular image of Dota 2 hero BrewmasterRectangular image of Dota 2 hero BristlebackRectangular image of Dota 2 hero BroodmotherRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Centaur WarrunnerRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Chaos KnightRectangular image of Dota 2 hero ChenRectangular image of Dota 2 hero ClinkzRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Crystal MaidenRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Dark SeerRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Dark WillowRectangular image of Dota 2 hero DawnbreakerRectangular image of Dota 2 hero DazzleRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Death ProphetRectangular image of Dota 2 hero DisruptorRectangular image of Dota 2 hero DoomRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Dragon KnightRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Drow RangerRectangular image of Dota 2 hero EarthshakerRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Earth SpiritRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Elder TitanRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Ember SpiritRectangular image of Dota 2 hero EnchantressRectangular image of Dota 2 hero EnigmaRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Faceless VoidRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Nature's ProphetRectangular image of Dota 2 hero GrimstrokeRectangular image of Dota 2 hero GyrocopterRectangular image of Dota 2 hero HoodwinkRectangular image of Dota 2 hero HuskarRectangular image of Dota 2 hero InvokerRectangular image of Dota 2 hero JakiroRectangular image of Dota 2 hero JuggernautRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Keeper of the LightRectangular image of Dota 2 hero KezRectangular image of Dota 2 hero KunkkaRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Legion CommanderRectangular image of Dota 2 hero LeshracRectangular image of Dota 2 hero LichRectangular image of Dota 2 hero LifestealerRectangular image of Dota 2 hero LinaRectangular image of Dota 2 hero LionRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Lone DruidRectangular image of Dota 2 hero LunaRectangular image of Dota 2 hero LycanRectangular image of Dota 2 hero MagnusRectangular image of Dota 2 hero MarciRectangular image of Dota 2 hero MarsRectangular image of Dota 2 hero MedusaRectangular image of Dota 2 hero MeepoRectangular image of Dota 2 hero MiranaRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Monkey KingRectangular image of Dota 2 hero MorphlingRectangular image of Dota 2 hero MuertaRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Naga SirenRectangular image of Dota 2 hero NecrophosRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Shadow FiendRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Night StalkerRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Nyx AssassinRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Outworld DevourerRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Ogre MagiRectangular image of Dota 2 hero OmniknightRectangular image of Dota 2 hero OracleRectangular image of Dota 2 hero PangolierRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Phantom AssassinRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Phantom LancerRectangular image of Dota 2 hero PhoenixRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Primal BeastRectangular image of Dota 2 hero PuckRectangular image of Dota 2 hero PudgeRectangular image of Dota 2 hero PugnaRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Queen of PainRectangular image of Dota 2 hero ClockwerkRectangular image of Dota 2 hero RazorRectangular image of Dota 2 hero RikiRectangular image of Dota 2 hero RingmasterRectangular image of Dota 2 hero RubickRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Sand KingRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Shadow DemonRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Shadow ShamanRectangular image of Dota 2 hero TimbersawRectangular image of Dota 2 hero SilencerRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Wraith KingRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Skywrath MageRectangular image of Dota 2 hero SlardarRectangular image of Dota 2 hero SlarkRectangular image of Dota 2 hero SnapfireRectangular image of Dota 2 hero SniperRectangular image of Dota 2 hero SpectreRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Spirit BreakerRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Storm SpiritRectangular image of Dota 2 hero SvenRectangular image of Dota 2 hero TechiesRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Templar AssassinRectangular image of Dota 2 hero TerrorbladeRectangular image of Dota 2 hero TidehunterRectangular image of Dota 2 hero TinkerRectangular image of Dota 2 hero TinyRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Treant ProtectorRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Troll WarlordRectangular image of Dota 2 hero TuskRectangular image of Dota 2 hero UndyingRectangular image of Dota 2 hero UrsaRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Vengeful SpiritRectangular image of Dota 2 hero VenomancerRectangular image of Dota 2 hero ViperRectangular image of Dota 2 hero VisageRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Void SpiritRectangular image of Dota 2 hero WarlockRectangular image of Dota 2 hero WeaverRectangular image of Dota 2 hero WindrangerRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Winter WyvernRectangular image of Dota 2 hero IoRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Witch DoctorRectangular image of Dota 2 hero Zeus

Stats from matches played

Stats are based on patch 7.38c.

Data from the game

All data from the Dota 2 client, e.g. hero movement speeds, has been updated to patch 7.38b.

Dota Coach App

App is fully operational.

Last updated: 3/29/2025, 12:57:58 PM

Dota Coach logo
A red and white logo with the word 'Dota Coach' in a stylized font.
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