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Strength Attribute Icon strength is one of the three primary attributes in Dota 2, along with Agility Attribute Icon agility and Intelligence Attribute Icon intelligence. It grants all heroes health and health regeneration. Strength heroes and universal heroes also gain attack damage.

  • 1. Effect of strength on heroes

  • 2. Strength gain of heroes

  • 3. List of strength heroes

  • 4. Role of strength heroes

  • 5. Strength bonus from items

  • 6. Evolution of strength in Dota 2

Effect of strength on heroes

Each point of strength grants the following benefits:

  • Health: Every point of strength increases a hero's maximum health by 22. The current health in % of the maximum health remains the same when the hero’s strength changes. This effect can be used to increase the regeneration from items such as Bottle Bottle, Tango Tango or Flask Healing Salve by reducing the strength before healing, e.g. by putting item into backpack or toggling Power Treads Power Treads.

  • Health regeneration: Every point of strength increases a hero’s health regeneration by 0.1.

  • Attack damage: For heroes with strength as their primary attribute, every point of strength also increases their main attack damage by 1. For universal heroes the increase is 0.7

Strength gain of heroes

  • All

  • Agility

  • Intelligence

  • Strength

  • Universal

  • 4.3

    Primal Beast Minimap Icon
  • 4.2

    Ogre Magi Minimap Icon
  • 4.0

    Tiny Minimap Icon
    Centaur Warrunner Minimap Icon
  • 3.9

    Tusk Minimap Icon
  • 3.8

    Doom Minimap Icon
    Earth Spirit Minimap Icon
  • 3.7

    Earthshaker Minimap Icon
    Brewmaster Minimap Icon
    Mars Minimap Icon
  • 3.6

    Kunkka Minimap Icon
    Slardar Minimap Icon
    Tidehunter Minimap Icon
    Dragon Knight Minimap Icon
  • 3.5

    Timbersaw Minimap Icon
  • 3.4

    Treant Protector Minimap Icon
    Dawnbreaker Minimap Icon
  • 3.3

    Huskar Minimap Icon
    Spirit Breaker Minimap Icon
    Phoenix Minimap Icon
  • 3.2

    Morphling Minimap Icon
    Sven Minimap Icon
    Snapfire Minimap Icon
  • 3.1

    Clockwerk Minimap Icon
    Omniknight Minimap Icon
    Chaos Knight Minimap Icon
    Magnus Minimap Icon
    Legion Commander Minimap Icon
  • 3.0

    Pudge Minimap Icon
    Night Stalker Minimap Icon
    Lycan Minimap Icon
    Elder Titan Minimap Icon
    Underlord Minimap Icon
    Marci Minimap Icon
  • 2.9

    Beastmaster Minimap Icon
    Death Prophet Minimap Icon
    Outworld Devourer Minimap Icon
  • 2.8

    Axe Minimap Icon
    Razor Minimap Icon
    Wraith King Minimap Icon
    Leshrac Minimap Icon
    Monkey King Minimap Icon
  • 2.7

    Bane Minimap Icon
    Bloodseeker Minimap Icon
    Shadow Fiend Minimap Icon
    Alchemist Minimap Icon
    Io Minimap Icon
    Bristleback Minimap Icon
    Pangolier Minimap Icon
  • 2.6

    Faceless Void Minimap Icon
    Nature's Prophet Minimap Icon
    Dark Seer Minimap Icon
    Batrider Minimap Icon
    Invoker Minimap Icon
    Shadow Demon Minimap Icon
    Ember Spirit Minimap Icon
    Kez Minimap Icon
  • 2.5

    Enigma Minimap Icon
    Bounty Hunter Minimap Icon
    Jakiro Minimap Icon
    Spectre Minimap Icon
    Gyrocopter Minimap Icon
    Nyx Assassin Minimap Icon
    Troll Warlord Minimap Icon
    Techies Minimap Icon
  • 2.4

    Puck Minimap Icon
    Lina Minimap Icon
    Lion Minimap Icon
    Warlock Minimap Icon
    Queen of Pain Minimap Icon
    Templar Assassin Minimap Icon
    Viper Minimap Icon
    Lifestealer Minimap Icon
    Ursa Minimap Icon
    Undying Minimap Icon
    Disruptor Minimap Icon
    Naga Siren Minimap Icon
    Visage Minimap Icon
    Oracle Minimap Icon
    Arc Warden Minimap Icon
    Grimstroke Minimap Icon
  • 2.3

    Sand King Minimap Icon
    Shadow Shaman Minimap Icon
    Tinker Minimap Icon
    Necrophos Minimap Icon
    Broodmother Minimap Icon
    Keeper of the Light Minimap Icon
    Void Spirit Minimap Icon
  • 2.2

    Crystal Maiden Minimap Icon
    Phantom Lancer Minimap Icon
    Luna Minimap Icon
    Silencer Minimap Icon
    Meepo Minimap Icon
    Abaddon Minimap Icon
    Winter Wyvern Minimap Icon
  • 2.1

    Vengeful Spirit Minimap Icon
    Zeus Minimap Icon
    Lich Minimap Icon
    Witch Doctor Minimap Icon
    Slark Minimap Icon
    Ringmaster Minimap Icon
  • 2.0

    Juggernaut Minimap Icon
    Storm Spirit Minimap Icon
    Windranger Minimap Icon
    Riki Minimap Icon
    Sniper Minimap Icon
    Venomancer Minimap Icon
    Phantom Assassin Minimap Icon
    Pugna Minimap Icon
    Dazzle Minimap Icon
    Clinkz Minimap Icon
    Enchantress Minimap Icon
    Weaver Minimap Icon
    Chen Minimap Icon
    Rubick Minimap Icon
    Skywrath Mage Minimap Icon
    Terrorblade Minimap Icon
    Dark Willow Minimap Icon
    Hoodwink Minimap Icon
    Muerta Minimap Icon
  • 1.9

    Drow Ranger Minimap Icon
    Mirana Minimap Icon
    Ancient Apparition Minimap Icon
  • 1.8

    Lone Druid Minimap Icon
  • 1.6

    Anti-Mage Minimap Icon
  • 0.0

    Medusa Minimap Icon

Each hero has a base strength value and gains more through levelling up. The hero with the highest base strength is Tiny with 30 and the hero with the highest strength gain per level is Primal Beast with 4.3. The average base strength across all heroes is 21.2 and the average strength gain is 2.6

List of strength heroes

Strength heroes are typically physical damage dealers who focus on attack speed and armor. There are 35 strength heroes in Dota 2.

Role of strength heroes

Strength heroes typically play initiation roles and are tanks. They have large amounts of health which makes them resilient, and enemies need to deal a lot of damage to take the down. In general, strength heroes generally are valuable team members across all game phases, i.e. early game, mid game, and late game.

Strength bonus from items

50 items grant strength attribute bonuses to the wearing hero in Dota 2:

Evolution of strength in Dota 2

The strength attribute has been the cornerstone of durability in combat, granting heroes increased health and health regeneration. Over time, the attribute's influence has evolved, with the relative importance of each stat shifting as the game's meta and strategies have changed. While strength remains a critical factor in initiation and tankiness, its magic resistance has been removed.

YouTube video on strength

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A red and white logo with the word 'Dota Coach' in a stylized font.
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